She had been avoiding him to say the least. But how couldn't she? He had broken the rules. He had ruined the whole thing.
She had decided to stay low after his unpredictable move. She couldn't trust him with her. Not anymore.
The hay provided a good bed and thanks to her grandfather, she could see the stars from where she was. She lay looking up just like they did while they were growing up.
Him being like an older brother next door and her being his younger sister next door. They were inseparable until he had to go to college.
And he did.
She wondered what had changed other than his appearance. He was no longer just her brother next door. He was more. But she wasn't ready to admit what more meant even to herself.
Worried that her mother might be worried where she would be, she left her warm hay bed.
End of the five minutes...
The moonlight streamed through the rustic walls of the barn. She spread her hands to allow it's light to get to them and smiled.
Then froze.
He was waiting by the barn's door. She couldn't see much but his eyes stood out as the fire she had seen earlier in them was still burning.
'I have been waiting for you. I didn't know you still hide in here when you are running from the obvious.'
Before she could reply his muscular arm was around her now seemingly small waist. His breath too close. His heartbeat matched hers and regardless of the huskiness in his voice, his face wore his soft smile.
'I have loved you since I was seventeen. I have waited long enough and I don't think I can no longer wait.'
He searched for her eyes. And found them. How glad she was that he couldn't see the red on her cheeks.
'When you kissed me back earlier, I lost it. I didn't know you felt the same. How long? Why didn't you say something?'
She didn't explain anything. She just took his face in her hands like she always did when she was growing up but this time, it was different. She tiptoed a bit and kissed him. Told him everything through the softness of her lips... Standing just right there... by the barn door.

prompt :)My participation in the amazing @mariannewest's five minute freewrite
This is tickling me in all the right places.
Posted using Partiko Android
Do tell... 😏
A sweet story about coming of age and love as it changes with the seasons of life ... well done!
Thank you so much :)
The conversational tone the narrator takes really allows for accessibility to your story. Well done.
Thank you so!
A lovely romantic story with the prompt @tezmel. Nice to see you participating in the freewrites. 😊
Trying to get back at it. I don't even know why they let me as I keep getting absorbed into the chaos of this world far away from my pens.
Thank you ♡