What I wish I could tell my younger self

"Don't worry so much. Those sleepless nights, the endless tears, the crippling self-doubt - it's all worth it. Every moment, every struggle, every heartbreak. It shapes you into the person you're meant to be.


Trust yourself, little one. Your instincts are stronger than you think. Don't let others define your path. Take risks, make mistakes, learn from them.

Be kinder to yourself. You're doing the best you can, and that's enough. Don't compare your journey to others. Your timeline is unique, your struggles are real.

Embrace your quirks, your flaws, your individuality. They make you beautiful. Don't try to fit into molds that suffocate your soul.

Love deeply, love fully. The hurt will come, but it's worth it. Every ounce of love you give and receive shapes your heart.

Don't rush growth. Take your time. Learn to breathe, to pause, to appreciate the beauty in the mundane.

Your voice matters. Speak up, speak out. Don't let fear silence you.

You are enough. Just as you are, in this moment, with all your imperfections - you are enough.

And when the darkness closes in, and it will, hold on to hope. It's a thread of light that guides you through.

You are stronger than you think. Braver than you feel. Smarter than you know.

Keep going, little one. Keep shining."

What would you like to tell your younger self?
