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RE: Parents should need to know.

in Freewriters3 years ago

There are so many children failing these days not only because of childrens needs but because the school systems have changed so much over the years. I feel as though all children's education should be tailored to their specific needs.
IEP's a a growing thing and partially because they put such hugh expectations on children at a younger age and half of them can't keep up.
I had a child with an IEP since he was in the 2nd grade. By the time he was in the 10th grade I moved to a state that was learning at a slower pace and they felt he no longer needed an IEP. Although I saw him still struggling to keep on task it still caused him to lose interest in school cause he was no longer getting the extra help he needed. I ended up spending his last years in school fighting for his rights to no avail.

I think that schools are starting to realize that these children need help so they can be successful in life.