5 Minute Freewrite: king of the bar

in Freewriters3 months ago

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king of the bar
king of the bar
florence was king of the bar, the one who always got to double park. no one else got to double park and florence knew what that meant, that they were king of the bar. The bar, the bar, king of the bar. the bar by the sea, the bar in the sea, the bar on the barge in the sea. the floating barge bar in the sea, the sea, the sea, the sunny sea of the teaside village of genosha. the barge bar where only florence got to double park. who else would try to double park, not a one, for florence was the king of the barge bar on the sunny sea of genosha. florence wore the crown well, the imaginary crown of the double parker, the one no one else would wear, could wear, the crown that fit florence so well, so fine-looking on the sunny sea, on the barge bar, having a cup of tea on the sunny sea with a cat staring them down, the cat would have the crown if that cat could drive, florence could tell it wanted it, florence must defend it, must defend their honor and remain the only one who could, who would double park. The cat looked away. florence was satisfied. satisfied and sipping their tea on the barge bar, double parked as they were, no one else trying to usurp.