Why are we in this world willing to do things that we may not know the benefit of?

in Freewriters3 years ago


Why are we in this world willing to do things that we may not know the benefit of?

Maybe some of you have thought, why do we live? Why can we live in a universe that has existed for billions of years? And what does our presence in this world mean? Is it only limited to graduating from school, working, fulfilling all the necessities of life, getting married, having children, and then dying?

Maybe even until now some of you are wondering why do we worship? Is it just to go to heaven and avoid hell?

But nothing proves that heaven and hell are true. Then why do we do all that?

All the norms, cultures, religions, rules and activities that we do during our present life, if you think about it, are not clear at all.

The question arises again, why are we in this world willing to do everything that we may not know the benefits of.

If those of you who are reading now have thoughts like the example I mentioned above, then you all belong to the school of nihilism.

Nihilism is a human view of everything that has existed until now, where everything has no purpose and meaning.

In other words, they were all in nothingness.

It feels like life in this world is nothing because there are no views of norms, religion, culture, and so on.

Simply put, this nihilism does not need to believe in anything and does not have to believe in anything.

What if we all turned out to be able to determine our morality without being based on external teachings outside ourselves?

What if it turns out that the life we ​​actually live is different from what our religion, norms, and culture have taught us so far?

And various questions that make nihilism considered contrary to social principles in society in general.

Many people oppose the idea of ​​nihilism because they think this understanding means that we do not need to follow the teachings of religion, norms, culture and so on in society. So that we can be free to do as we please, including actions that are not commendable.

While nihilism refers to human freedom in determining the purpose of life without the influence of external factors such as norms, culture, and others.

So that people do something not because it is a teaching in the family or a principle in society, but because they know their purpose for doing it.

According to many religious teachings that describe life after death, namely the afterlife.

There is heaven and hell, so most people do good to others, all other positive activities are just to get to heaven and stay away from hell.

Perhaps for most of us today is a natural thing. Because for most religions, expecting heaven is the main thing. So do all good to wish good heaven.

However, we must try to get out of the notion that there is an afterlife, that is, an afterlife that has both heaven and hell in it.

So that later humans can focus on their current lives, focus on making other people, families, and even themselves happy, and focus on doing good. Not only hoping for heaven but indeed caring for others which in the end gives birth to a sense of happiness.

*** Thank you ***