What Matters is How You Live Simply

in Freewriters3 years ago


What Matters is How You Live Simply

We certainly want a happy life. Nobody wants an ordinary life. Everyone is entitled to the desired success. You don't need luck to have one.

If we look at the background of successful people, they lived in bad circumstances before becoming famous. However, they are capable of producing extraordinary things. If they can, so can you.

Having a successful and happy life is not about driving a fancy car and living in a luxury house. The essence of a happy life is enlightenment that comes from within.

This is different from being selfish. It's also not about being narcissistic and making it all about you. Being selfish is living the way you choose without having to care what people think of you. Great people don't care what other people think of them. They are selfish people.

So, starting today, focus on yourself. Live the way you choose and do your best. You don't have to follow the crowd or the way other people ask you. You are who you are and you are fully responsible for yourself.

Simplicity is not not having a luxury car or other luxury goods. It's not about everything you have, it's about having a stand.

Many people make mistakes in their life. They think that a successful life is if they have luxury cars, luxury houses, eat in fancy restaurants and spend a lot of money. Money is not the measure of your success. Money is simply the sum of the value you create in other people's lives.

If you drive a luxury car, it doesn't mean you are a successful person.

Matter and other material things are not what define who you are. What matters is how you shine from within, and how you maximize your ability to create value for others. This is what it means to live simply. So, if you want to be successful and happy, live simply.

*** Thank you ***