Posts Are Only Considered Bottles Or Pipes
What is the difference between pipe and bottle? of course different when viewed from the two. Pipes carry water from one place to another, without holding back the flow. Even though it doesn't store water, the pipe still feels wet when the water flows.
How about a bottle? The bottle has a function to store water that will be used when someone is thirsty or on a trip, so that they have a supply of water to drink. Unlike pipes, bottles function more to store water than drain it, of course we won't buy bottles that leak and can drain water, right?
Likewise, when we write articles or articles, we can act as bottles, namely storing ideas in articles and writings that we have for our own consumption. It doesn't mean that we are selfish, but maybe we think that our ideas or thoughts which are then expressed in writing look normal, or maybe even different from other people.
Sometimes we are not sure about the writing that we make and feel that other people are better, the ideas and writings they make.
Without realizing it, we actually prevent ourselves from developing even more, we can provide a lot of knowledge to other people with the writings we make.
Learning acts as a pipe, which is conveying ideas or thoughts that have been written in us to others who read. Of course there will be pros and cons when we share these ideas in writing, because that is also their right as readers.
After all, we will continue to write and have the motivation to be like pipes who want to share ideas or knowledge with others, and not keep it to ourselves.
Getting ideas to write about and turning them into articles takes time. However, it takes courage to share and stream our writing to others to read, all the things we write. Learn to take constructive feedback, and consider it a breeze when criticism comes.
As I write this, I am on the home page and looking at the pipe, then it occurs to me to write a comparison between the pipe and the bottle.
Of course the idea is very simple, namely about a pipe that can drain water and a bottle that stores water.
From this simple idea, hopefully a simple article or article about the writing that I write can have an impact on readers. This course is also to motivate yourself and the reader to become like a pipe with only a mission to share.
Trust me, when we share and pass our ideas on to others, then we will not be short of ideas, then we will also get more and more new ideas.
Let's learn to share life like a pipe that flows water.