Battle of the gangs Part 7

in Freewriters3 years ago

I'm sorry for posting late.

Read and enjoy


I walked round the woods trying to map out good spots that will be needed. I was not gonna let their strike take us unawares. We'll fight back and I'll get revenge for my late mom.

It was getting darker, the birds were gradually returning to their habitats. The hooting of owls and chirping of crickets gave a rather melodious tone to the cool and chilly night, the full moon slowly rose in its quest to take the center of the clouds.

I moved towards a fallen log of wood and sat on it, relieving past memories. I still remember when I was still a kid, mom would always dress me and feed me for school. Though I wasn't really the school type when I was younger, I was forced by mom and I ended up beating other kids in school. I preferred going hunting in the woods. This was my favorite spot.

Next day
5:52 Am
The rustling of dried leaves was the first sound I heard as I woke up. I had slept late into the night but managed to wake early.

   "Boom" That was the next sound I heard as a sharp shiver ran down my spine, my saliva suddenly dried up from my mouth as goosebumps appeared on my skin.

Destruction was coming and we weren't ready.


wake up" I called out to the guys as I pulled myself up. They all came back dead drunk last night. I wouldn't blame them, you have to enjoy life while you still have it.

  "The mafia is here" I screamed as they all tried scrambling to their feets.

"huh?" Mason asked, rubbing his eyes trying to relieve the hangover.

"Pick up your guns, let's see what we've got" I commanded as I picked up an equalizer and fixed it to the straps of my belt before picking up my M16 rifle.

George led the way as we all moved out of our hideout, various of the danger that laid ahead.
I moved carefully away from the guys as I moved further away from the woods careful not to attract attention. I finally got a spot where I could see everything going on. the mafia drove in in different armoured vehicles firing randomly.
I watched as many people fell down dead.

Death was coming.

To be continued