Purple Heart...

in Freewriters3 years ago

Have you ever loved a person who blows hot and cold...?
One who loves you today, but isn't so sure the next.. one whose cards could call or fold...

Well I have... and it birthed this...

Please enjoy...


Photo Credit: Pixabay

Some days her sun sets right at dawn,
And dark clouds fill up her skies..
Her feet grows cold, and her heart burns,
All the bridges that dared to rise...

But then some days, her sun does rise at dawn,
And with it, the sweet smell of dew..
And every song, bring thoughts, of a loved one,
And then her smiles are wider too...

Still, each day, as she rises at dawn,
Whatever her dawn may bring..
There's a purple heart, which will always be warm,
And to hers, it'd always swing...



Photo Credit: Pixabay