Image by Hieu Van from Pixabay
There are blank spaces,
Here where your words used to be..
Lines and endless lines of empty,
They've replaced your epistles to me...
Where did we go wrong?
How does an already sad heart, break...?
And how does a heartbreak stay so long?
I don't hear your laughter no more..
The phone's stayed on.. yet silent,
Just holding on, to memories from before...
#SladenSpeaks #IfWordsWereNudes
Ah, yes, that chime you get when a loved one messages you. It's addicting, and the silence when it is gone heartbreaking.
I like how you work with the traditional 'stuff' of a love poem ("epistles to me", which suggests an actual love letter, on paper), but rework the form to fit our modern era with the phone, which can also now contain epistles. And I also like the double meaning in the last line, which could refer to both the speaker and the phone itself (I imagine the speaker scrolling through the old messages on FB, memories held by the phone.). Nice poem!
Cliff, old friend.
Glad to see you stopped by.
I like how you see the poem. Though the "epistles to me" was meant more in the sense of a fight. I do not know if it is unique to lovers this part of the world, but I do know that whenever there is a misunderstanding between couples, messages tend to be longer, and more like epistles. Why I used it here in a seemingly fond sense is because of what it represents - A desire for peace. You know, I wouldn't be sending an epistle if I had no intention to make things right and preserve the love shared.
The last line too could also refer to pictures and videos of lovey dovey moments shared prior to the heartbreak... But I like how you see it too...
Thanks again for stopping by. Cheers!