Finding Beauty in Everyday Life

in Freewriters11 months ago


A beautiful morning indeed starts the day, and it's something everyone desires. From my life experiences, I've learned that when we have a beautiful morning, our entire day is filled with happiness and pleasant feelings. About a month ago, I had an epiphany.


I woke up early in the morning, around 5 AM, said my prayers, and recited the Quran. Afterward, I went to my garden where I had many vegetables growing. As I looked at my vegetables and the earth, I realized that everything created by Allah is beautiful, and it's so beautiful that merely looking at things makes our hearts want to praise Him repeatedly.


When I saw the fields of crops, I had this feeling that humans often take for granted the beauty that Allah has created. We fail to appreciate His creations as much as we should. Allah has given us life, and along with it, He has given us our family, our parents, and so much more that is praiseworthy.


I spent about 20 minutes pondering these thoughts, and it led me to the conclusion that every moment of life is incredibly beautiful, and the beauty is such that no matter how much we praise Allah, it's still not enough. On that day, I felt a beautiful sense within me, which was a significant contrast to the few days before when I was quite despondent due to my grandfather's passing.


But a friend reminded me that life is beautiful, and not everyone is meant to stay in this world forever. This world is temporary, and we are all destined to return to Allah. Therefore, no matter what the circumstances, we should be grateful, because life is a one time opportunity. I realized that every moment of life should be enjoyed, and, as much as possible, we should treat our loved ones with kindness.


Because life is a one-time opportunity, and the meeting of life is a great blessing. So, if there are beautiful people and people who bring beauty into your life, cherish them and always give them the respect they deserve because, as you honor them, others will honor you. This is the order of the world.


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