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RE: Supporting Freewrite House and SBI - Giving away 75 SBI shares!

in Freewriters5 years ago

No tengo una gran historia, nunca como las que he leído por aquí, del apoyo que dio la señora Marian, es impresionante la labor realizada, el apoyo a personas que lo necesitaron. Leyendo al amigo @latino.romano el apoyo que ha dado @mariannewest a través del proyecto @freewritehouse ha sido grande, no los había leído todos. Lo que estamos pasando los venezolanos es bien apretado, los pocos que tenemos sueldo no nos alcanza, las personas que teniendo este hermoso caudal para escribir bonito no los brindan y con eso se ayudan se complementan el sueldo. No estamos aislados en la comunidad hablamos con muchas personas y vemos sus problemas y si podemos los ayudamos. Yo no entendí bien porque atacaron así este proyecto y que a pesar de tratar de explicarle a ese usuario la labor siguió haciéndolo, de verdad no conozco este mundo, pero si lo comparo con el mundo “real” la vida parece así de extraña. Me gusta escribir y debo agradecer el espacio que nos brindan, agradecer el apoyo que le dan a otros.

I don't have a great story, never like the ones he heard around here, the support Mrs. Marian gave, the work done, the support for the people they need is impressive. Reading to the friend @latino.romano the support that @mariannewest has given through the @freewritehouse project has been great, I hadn't heard them all. What we are going through Venezuelans is very tight, the few that have salary do not reach us, people who have this beautiful flow to write beautiful do not provide them and with that they help each other complement the salary. We are not isolated in the community, we talk to many people and see their problems and if we can help them. I did not understand well why attack this project and that despite trying to explain that user the workforce continued to do so, I really do not know this world, but if I compare it to the "real" world, life seems so strange . I like to write and I must thank the space they give us, thank the support they give others.


Thank you for sharing @sacra97. The community is amazing in how they will rally to support and share where it is needed. Everyone is important and does what they can from where they are.