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RE: 28 December 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2600: agency of aliens

in Freewriters3 months ago

With all the talk of aliens, the boys must try to fit in the concept of what the bible tells them about God.
I had to smile for we both mentioned baking soda in our blogs. Seems there’s a lot of uses for it. 😊


Yes, the boys are the age in which they are believers in all of it ... and their adults are kind enough to allow them that time of their lives. Interestingly enough, the Bible does not deny UFOs. If anyone else had seen what, say, Ezekiel saw in his prophecy, and NOBODY explained, that of course would have been classed today as a UFO. Elijah and the chariot of fire? Had that been seen through a smoke or fog ... same thing. So, it is okay for George and Milton to be slightly wider in their belief than average for American Christianity ... as they learn the Scripture well, they will learn we human beings are not the only intelligent life in the universe. That is settled as early as Genesis 6, and other ancient traditions point to this as well. But, just so you know: it is still September 1, 2020 in the Lofton County Universe ... time moves much slower for them than it does for us.

Now, about baking soda ... George and Milton are constantly pushing the frontier of what can be done with average household things, when their sisters are not pulling down the "summer salts" for the Summer Olympics ... so their adults are constantly putting things up just a little higher!