Work hard or Work smart

in Freewriters3 years ago

“Work hard or Work smart ". We all are introduced with these two terms. Most people say, it is better “work smarter " than “work harder".

I would say both are important. You can not accomplish anything with only working harder or working smarter. You need to do both to accomplish your work.

I think, we all know that the story of a thirsty crow which was searching for water but could not find water. finally it found a jar where the water was at the bottom.. then what did it do!!! then it collected pebbles and put it in the jar and water rose up. then it finally got to drink water.

What do you think the crow did?? Did it work hard or work smart. It did both. if it did not work smarter, then it would not be able to drink water. And if it did not work harder inspite of being thirsty, if it just thought about the idea and did not work hard to collect the pebbles and filled up the jar, then it would not be able to drink water.

So, we should not debate about work harder or work smarter. these both are important .we have to do both to achieve our goal or our desire.

If l say anything wrong, then pardon my mistakes. I has just shared opinion.


Im a big believer in working smarter not harder, but i believe in order to be successful you have to do both as just working smarter can lead to shortcuts that can bring everything crumbling down, i speak from experience on this subject. Work smart where you can and hard where you have to.