I've made it past my first week at my new job. For the most part I am still pretty much enjoying the change of pace and less stress than my old job. Some of my fellow coworkers make my day easier, as well as others I come across in those 8 hours. They make up for the ones who are already riding my nerves, and I'm not sure that is a good thing for me. I used to just stay to myself no matter what happened, but my old employer taught me to speak up. It took some doing, and at times I felt that the company began to regret having opened a can of worms. I'm not one for sugar coating things, so I spoke honestly and to the point when I knew something wasn't right, whether was someone not following guidelines, or just outright slacking off. My biggest pet peeve was hearing others talk badly about another worker.
That brings about my question. What do you do when you witness others talking bad about other employees, and also walking by, just in time to over hear things said about you? I'm by no means a snitch, because that never has a good outcome.
The ones I witnessed were at my new job. 3 of the offenders were in management position, so they should know that it is not right. I bit my tongue both times since I am a new person. The last thing I want to do is cause trouble. In my head, I wanted to call them each out on the spot, on how bad they are making themselves look, in front of others. I'm guessing no one is brave enough to say anything, because every action always has a reaction.
How do you handle something of this nature? Would you just ignore it, even though you know it's wrong? Would you confront them, and hope they don't rip your head off?
Thank you for reading my post. I look forward to reading what your responses are.
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