The Underworld, a Freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago



I don't know what came over me with this freewrite. Of course the prompt scoundrel doesn't evoke all things good and merry. But seriously? I had to go there?

This is not another Happy New Year post. It's a freewrite about the principles of nature, over which Man has no power and can only do his part.


The scoundrel had buried his head. Only his behind could be seen above the surface, and his derriere waved at me. Wriggled I should say. It was hardly a wave. But it was a call I had to attend to, or I would be very sorry. There would be less and less of him on this side with every passing moment. I had to do something soon. So I forced back the bile rising in my throat, and approached him. Then I held my breath, shuddered in disgust, and reached for his ass.

Between thumb and middle finger, with just the right amount of fingernail, I pinched him. He wriggled all the more vigorously.

I pulled, and he slipped out easily. I crushed him between my fingers like I was squashing a Japanese beetle.

Too late, I realized I had left my other foot in the still and stagnant pool, There were many, many more leeches, wriggling their rumps at me as they buried themselves in my flesh.

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challenge. Today's prompt is scoundrel.This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite

Today I did my usual 4 minutes and 30 seconds of letting my mind run free. Then I spent another minute, timed, cleaning it up. Plenty more time went into fashioning this into a spiffy post (image, formatting, links etc) after my five and a half minutes of producing it was up, so there should be no belittling of freewrite posts in general. Those of you who think little of freewrites might want to have a go at one yourself.

If you are new on Hive, publishing freewrites is an excellent way to get both comments and upvote support!!!

It's also fun. Set a timer, set your imagination free, and let words appear on the page. No judgement, anything goes. I described my method above - you do you.

Click here and you are on your way to today's prompt.

The image is a cropped version of this


When I first started reading, I thought you came across a man with only his ass sticking out of the sand, lol. A leech is not much better but it is somewhat better.

lol. That's exactly the path my mind took. The scoundrel was some kind of humanoid creature that should exist underground, but once I had the leech image flash through my mind, I simply had to describe pulling out a leech. It was easy to play up the man buns. I'm glad you read it that way.

I am glad that I did,too

Leeches!! Eeep!!!!
The idea of being covered with 'em, and knowing how hard it is to extricate them, makes me cringe.
Your photo intrigues me. Fabric, or elephant skin, or....

Elephant rear end. Hi Carol!