Take A Sniff, a freewrite

in Freewriters8 months ago



It's been a while since my last freewriting adventure. Months it seems like. The stories took a hiatus from visiting me. I got all hung up on being in the here and now.

Here's a little story for me, because I feel the need to write a story. Like I feel the need to do Tai Chi and grab me a piece of that peaceful, content, commanding feeling I get when I'm throwing my chi around. Like I feel the need to sing out Louise sometimes. Nowadays I start bellowing "I wish! more than anything, more than Life! I wish..." whenever I feel a song bursting to get out. It feels really good to do this.


She doesn't eat. She's a very picky eater. She even sometimes rejects food I have made for us both. I think she's sick.

"She weighs 30 pounds."

Oh! She has gained some weight!

"We look for this" said while drawing one set of fingers over back of the other hand's fingers, "not for this," over the knuckles of a closed fist. "She's just a tiny bit overweight."


I found a great conventional vet yesterday! I felt very comfortable being my medically anomalous self with her. She nodded respectfully when I said "I can't justify removing body parts for my convenience." She didn't flinch when I told her I had been homeopathically treating my dog for suspected Lyme. I could confidently refuse any vaccines that are not required by law. The veterinarian of my dreams.

She also let me figure out for myself that Hazel isn't a picky eater.

I've been forcing her to eat too much.

Good to know.


challenge from nearly two weeks ago. The prompt was take a sniff.This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite

image by me


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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏❤️ @bhattg suggested

Thank you!!!

What a glorious photo of Hazel!
Love this: "Hazel isn't a picky eater. I've been forcing her to eat too much."
Oh so much to catch up on...
Why did I stop posting...
And reading! I haven't even come to visit here in forever!
Thank you for posting. I really love all your insights, poems, photos, anecdotes...

Carol!!! I miss you so much around these parts!!! I miss your writing! You were the primary person who got me interested in freewriting. We email now and then, but why don't we talk on the phone? I have your number in mine so we must have at some point.

I am on strike from taking pictures on y phone, because I am on strike from using my phone at all. So that shot is from last year sometime, and I zoomed way in so it's all pixelated. But it captures her vim and vigor nicely. And she is coming when she was called. Good dog!

We haven't spoken by phone or I would remember your voice. You must have a marvelous East coast accent. Instead of a Midwest twang, my voice is notorious (and often hated) for an excess of inflection. Think ALL CAPS and italics in every sentence....
Wow, have I ever shut down. You stopped the phone photos (smart! Smarter than iAm!).
My dad's demise, after the loss of three sisters, took a toll on me.
I have to shake off the sense of futility and frustration and just keep moving, keep doing.
You are an inspiration!!!
You do so much, and you are so good at everything you do. The MASTER. At anything and everything!
I'm still reading a lot of gardening, homesteading, foraging, and herbalist blogs.
Saving ideas. Someday I'll accomplish something!
I'm so glad you took up freewriting and I hope you get back into it again. You really ran with it and did great things! Your quirky characters and anecdotes never fail to amuse and enlighten!

It's good to see you writing again! I'm also glad you've found a decent vet. We struggled to find one with our beagle Amstel, who had a whole host of congenital health issues. We made the mistake of taking him to the U of M's veterinary hospital for his seizures and all they wanted to do was pump him full of prescription drugs. We found another vet who suggested CBD oil and that almost cured the seizures. Very cute dog!

I have dedicated my body and the body of my dog to science. We're in the control group, the group that doesn't pump the body full of toxins to achieve health. How does that make any sense? What a load of crock. It's fascism I tell ya. Don't get me started.

Hazel passed the clinical exam with flying colors. Her dental health, especially, seemed to surprise the doctor. I enjoyed a trip to the vet! usually, I am disgruntled after a $500 hit and a tongue lashing.

It's very crazy how inept and corrupt the medical system has become. We even went to the Mayo clinic recently and it was a horrible experience.

I'm glad Hazel passed with flying colors! I'd say keep on doing what you're doing. Amstel surpassed all expectations on health and life span and I owe that to NOT listening to the vet's advice (most of the time).

It's gotten much harder to do that with any kind of doctor. They kick you out of their practices. How long has Amstel been gone now? Two years? I miss his singing.

He'll be gone two years in January. Hard to believe, I miss him every day. We're going to be making a move soon and then we'll consider getting another dog. I'm not sure if we'll get another beagle or a pit bull. It'd be a rescue either way. Time will tell!

Did she test for Lyme? Not that I have much confidence in blood tests. I once had 2 done, on the same day, by different doctors. One said I was vitamin D deficient and the other said I lacked iron.
Dog vaccines aren't compulsory here, but chipping is. Two of our dogs were chipped and vaxxed when we got them and they never seem as well as the other 2 who were strays and are neither chipped nor vaxxed.

All of my dogs have died young of cancer, except for the one who died young of protothecosis. This one is going to live a long and healthy life, because I ain't putting medical toxins into her if I can help it. I sure wish I had done this for my kids.

I am still treating her for Lyme, because it's pretty obvious that's the problem, largely because the remedy is working like a charm, which is how homeopathy works when you get the right remedy. But yes, they tested her for Lyme. They will also analyze all other markers in her blood, urine and stool to determine if she is mounting a proper, natural, defense to the Lyme exposure. This vet will not treat Lyme if the defense seems adequate! I was very happy to hear that. My last vet would not treat her for anything at all unless I first treated her for Lyme which he diagnosed based on a snap test. This was last year. I never went back, and I did not give her the doxycycline. She recovered fully because Lyme hadn't been causing the symptoms I took her in for. She hadn't pooped for a week, was clearly in pain, and walking funny. I went home, gave her a wheat grass enema, she pooped twenty minutes later, and was 100% fine after that.

You have to chip your dogs? Why? I refuse that spy device in my animals. I let them jab her for rabies, because it's super illegal not to in NYS. But she's also not licensed, so I don't have to prove that she's up to date every single year and can jab her less often, but if I do get caught in that little act of civil disobedience (not licensing my animals), she's likely to be up-to-date on the vaccine and I'll get a little slap on the wrist.

Yes, they're supposed to be chipped and licenced to stop people from straying dogs. they say. Of course we don't bother. You gave the dog an enema? I thought you were dead against them. I'd hate to try that with either of our 2 strays. When we tried to put a collar on one of them, she jumped 6 feet in the air spraying pee everywhere. We won't be trying that again!!

haha some dogs, like some people, don't care for slave systems.

I thought you were dead against them.

I'm not set against them. For some illnesses, when it is obvious that shoving substances up the ass might help, I say go for it! I don't, however, choose to believe that shoving substances up the ass of healthy person is necessary for them to remain healthy. That is going too far, hell no I won't go (#2).

Hahaha, Ok. say no more:)

Good vets are really hard to find. I found a holistic vet in Ireland just before I left. Haven't found any in Spain though.
Hazel is beautiful xxx

I feel so much safer knowing there's a vet who gets this. Hazel is a wonderful dog, I'm so grateful for her.

You wish...so do I, way too often!
Hazel is beautiful, what an apt name with that coat.
You are so fortunate to have found a vet who has an open mind and is not stuck on text book dogmas!
I have to take my feral 'grandchild' Poe for his rabies booster. A friend recommended her vet, but I'm not keen on other vaccines. We'll see!
Hope to see you here again soon.I'm so glad I popped over to see what you've been doing with your life @owasco!

It's really hard to find a vet who won't push every vaccine there is on you. Most boarding facilities require all of them, too. I think the vets must get kickbacks of some kind for vaccine compliance, just like our pediatricians do. I'm determined to keep my current animals healthy until ripe old ages, and I believe minimal vaccination is key to this. A healthy body would easily fight all those illnesses with no harmful effects, even Lyme. So far, so good.

It's always nice to see your smiling personage too, Lizelle!

The only vaccine I will let Poe have is rabies, as we have monkeys and mongoose running through our garden and they can carry that. We never used to give our pets any other vaccines and they stayed healthy!
Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday <3Awe thank you @owasco!