Love it! The master of zapfics is BAAACK! Where have you been?! I have missed you!
@carolkean! Another of our favorites has returned to us!!!
Love it! The master of zapfics is BAAACK! Where have you been?! I have missed you!
@carolkean! Another of our favorites has returned to us!!!
Ah, thanks for that! I somehow didn't make it over to Hive. I moved house during the great migration from Steemit. and what with having no internet for a month I just lost the blogging habit. I'm living in the country now growing my own veg and keeping chickens. Who'd've guessed that such small birds could produce such tremendous piles of excrement?
Ah! I understand losing the blogging habit. I was worried about you though! I stalked you for a bit, and found you continued to do the freewritehouse encouragement program, so I knew you were still breathing, at least for a while there.
Those piles of fecal material make the best fertilizer for your veggies, but I'm sure you know that already. I also moved, and have a tiny yard now, no room for chickens, but now and then I think about getting quails for eggs and fertilizer. Anyway, welcome back!!! I am very happy to 'see' you again.