Fuente/Source: Imagen realizada por la IA para este texto / Image made by the AI for this text.
Pront: “Pelar la piel”
Cuando yo pienso en pelar la piel, pienso siempre en la cocina y principalmente en la limpieza y realización del pollo y el pescado. Los cuales, dependiendo del tipo de comida que uno vaya a realizar, se les deja o se les quita la piel. Y normalmente, cuando se va a hacer un plato especial al horno, se les deja la piel, pero cuando se va a hacer con arroz o con guiso, se les retira.
Y también, se le quita la piel a las frutas, cuando las vamos a usar para hacer los jugos, o cuando las usamos para las ensaladas. Hace un tiempo, no me gustaba la idea de hacer las ensaladas y ponerle frutas; sin embargo, hace poco hice unas ensaladas y les coloqué, pedacitos de mango y piña y de verdad, el haber puesto la fruta, le mejoró mucho el sabor a la ensalada.
A mí, particularmente, no me gusta mucho la piel del pollo, ya que la misma es muy grasosa, y realmente prefiero eliminar la piel, antes de cocinarlo. Pero lo que sí hago después, es el utilizar la piel del pollo, al igual que la del cochino, para hacerle la comida a los perros, y eso hace, que su pelo sea más brillante y bonito.
Para terminar, debo decir, que como el médico me recomendó, no comer la piel del pollo, así que ahora, cuando hago mi famoso pollo relleno al horno. Lo que hago, es preparar el relleno. Luego coloco el relleno, en el pollo, lo coso, y después, lo meto al horno a cocinar con su piel.
Pero cuando ya está listo, que se pica para servir, le retiro la piel a mi parte, y lo como con ensalada. Lo que sí, hay que tener en cuenta, es que la piel del pollo y su grasa, es lo que hace que el pollo horneado, quede, suave y jugoso. Por eso, siempre debemos tener cuidado de cuándo pelar la piel o no a los alimentos, ya que eso depende de la comida que deseemos hacer.
Muchas gracias por leerme.
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To Read in English
Fuente/Source: Imagen realizada por la IA para este texto / Image made by the AI for this text.
5-minute daily prompt: The art of peeling the skin off food. A key detail in the kitchen. Original Content.
Pront: "To peel the skin”
When I think about peeling the skin, I always think about cooking and mainly about cleaning and making chicken and fish. Which, depending on the type of food one is going to make, the skin is left on or removed. And normally, when you are going to make a special dish in the oven, the skin is left on them, but when it is going to be made with rice or with stew, it is removed.
And also, the skin is removed from the fruits, when we are going to use them to make juices, or when we use them for salads. A while ago, I didn't like the idea of making salads and putting fruits on it; however, recently I made some salads and I put little pieces of mango and pineapple on them and really, having put the fruit, it improved the flavor of the salad a lot.
I, in particular, do not like the chicken skin very much, since it is very fatty, and I really prefer to remove the skin, before cooking it. But what I do do after, is to use the skin of the chicken, like that of the pig, to make the food for the dogs, and that makes their hair brighter and prettier.
To finish, I must say, that as the doctor recommended, not to eat the chicken skin, so now, when I make my famous stuffed chicken in the oven. What I do, is to prepare the filling. Then I place the filling, in the chicken, I sew it, and then, I put it in the oven to cook with its skin.
But when it is ready, which is chopped to serve, I remove the skin from my part, and eat it with salad. What yes, it must be taken into account, is that the skin of the chicken and its fat, is what makes the baked chicken, soft and juicy. Therefore, we should always be careful when to peel the skin or not to the food, because that depends on the food we want to make.
Thank you very much for reading me.
If you want to participate in this content you can do it aquí
I invite to participate to: @esbat, @alicia2022, @nahueldare3627.

Wow, I enjoy eating everything, including the skin. It gives me this satisfaction I cannot explain.
Yes, that's right. I was asked to remove the skin, because of the blessed cholesterol and the amount of fat that is in the chicken skin.
In fact, even cooking oil is extracted from the skin. But it could not be denied that it is divine, and even more so when it is made with tartar sauce, jajaja😀👍
Lol, you are very correct.
Just that sometimes, I cannot help but take it all.