in Freewriterslast year


I could remember while growing up, I had thought that I could get all I wanted. I am from a humble home where we were taught to appreciate what we have. We were neither rich nor poor, but I was told to work hard and be diligent, honest, and humble as that is the way to the top. Bearing this in mind, I had hoped to achieve great success even before this age. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Even though it pays to be hardworking, diligent, and honest, time and chance happen to them all.

Yes, I quite agree that to achieve success, one must work hard, however, life is full of uncertainty. Many worked hard yet with little pay or results to show for it. While others didn't do as much as that, yet had a tangible result. No wonder the saying "life no balance"

Life is full of uncertainty, this is why you see good things happening to the wicked ones and good people having bad experiences. We must just learn to accept life as it appears to us, feel good when the days are bad, and be full of hope when it is otherwise.

Don't be in a race with anyone, lest you miss your step and fall off track. Pursue your goals, live your dreams, live in reality, and be as good as possible. There are some experiences you would not want to remember, however, you can't undo the past. When life challenges come after you, smile and be bold, as that is the only means to come out stronger.

I have had my share of life challenges, some times, when I remember these challenges, I sulk and feel low. Nevertheless, I have learned to smile amid adversity. I see change in every challenge and this has helped me to keep my head high and look more into the future, for there is hope for a tree not cut down.


The brighter days are here, live each day as it comes. If you do not give up, you will be at the end. Remember everyone has got their stories to tell. I have mine to tell, you have yours and so do others. Whether good or bad, just be brave for the glory ahead.

To go far, you must look up to those who have gone ahead of you. Look out for those who have been through such roads, learn from their stories, and be a better person so you can also motivate others. Don't give up, if you do, you have lost the race.

Whatever step you want to take, just begin. Nowhere is too small to start from and nothing is too big to achieve for a mind determined to make success. There is a blessing each day, be optimistic. A miss in step is not a road to failure, just look well next time and do it better.


Success is achievable for a mind determined to succeed


Yes ooo life no balance at all. I know one day Success must knock at thru door of all those that worked hard by God's Grace. Nice piece


Thanks so much, for stopping by I appreciate