Life Freewrite - 27-10-2024

in Freewriters5 months ago


Ahhh fall and winter in Saskatchewan. It's a lovely season. The leaves are turning and falling, the air is crisp and cool, and hockey is underway. And, if you have kids, that means it's also cold season again. Between the cooler temps and the extra indoor activities, this season always seems to hit hard - which it has for us. My eldest has been sick three times in the last month and a half, averaging out at every two weeks he's sick for 3 days to a week. And of course, that means everyone else gets sick too. So, while it's not been a particularly BUSY time around the ol' OblivionCubed household... it sure has been a full time.

As I write this, my eldest is sleeping with that third case of whatever flavour-of-the-week virus is making the rounds right now. Despite this, we've managed to actually get mostly ready for Halloween. We don't have a lot of yard decorations - partly because of the aforementioned sicknesses, and partly because we've had a pretty bad spat of vandalism in town this year. A lot of folks had inflatables ruined, animatronics stolen or broken, and those super cool big skeletons tipped over and damaged. It's been a rough season for yard props, and that's a bloody shame for everyone. Makes for a lot less decoration than I've ever seen since moving to this suburb.

Beyond Halloween prep and fighting bouts of sickness passing through the house, we've managed to return to running (and playing) D&D, which has been a big bonus. We took a break when my newborn was brand new, so its been a few months since we were last at the table. Thankfully the session I ran last weekend went great, and I think everyone had a lot of fun. We'll be back at the table next weekend, provided everyone is healthy again, haha.

I'll likely write up a post (and edit in some more of my world document details), but it'll be later this week if I manage to find the time while my brain isn't scrambled-eggs from work and kids and life. I've got a post about Knave I really need to cap off as well... so many drafts, so few moments to actually complete them lately. But that's alright. I'm stealing this time at literally 12:40am, since I had to change the little one and I'm not having luck falling back asleep.

It's been almost two weeks since my last post though, so I wanted to at least do a bit of a freewrite and confirm that I am, in fact, still alive and kicking and doing cool stuff. I hope very much to get more time to blog about it soon.

Until next time friends, all the best.