A Panther and me.

in Freewriters4 years ago

I never though I’d see the infinite so close.
I felt it on every inch of my body, my senses lost control
But slowly they got used to this new reality
It came a long time ago when the light surrounded me


Life seems longer when you’re blessed, but we don’t realize about that little rock that make us fall.
I had to give something first.
For You.


I couldn’t let it go until you knew that I did my best.
I did everything I could till life allowed me.

I didn't mean to be selfish and leave you this way.
Alone in the void.


You made me believe!

Your smile, your happiness to see me, to hear me and now…

Feel me!

As the **Man** I am and the **Panther** I used to be.
Thank you so much in so little time.
*See you around Chad*.

Thanks to: