5 minute freewrite 2618 prompt guide me home

in Freewriters2 months ago

guide me home This is my post for #freewriters 2618 prompt hosted by @mariannewest

My husband is so much better in a fog than I am. He has ended up in the wrong place before, but it has not happened very often, I could always depend on him to guide me home. But when I started running my own boat, finding my way to where I wanted to go was difficult. I just realized that I have never had a compass on any of my boats. I now have a fishfinder that you can put in waypoints and use it to get back to the waypoint.

I knew I was safe in the river, but how far out of the way have I gone? Our river is only 2 miles wide but it is 150 miles long. On this day, I only needed to go straight across the river. When the fog lifted, I ended up north of where I wanted to go by 3 miles.

It is always nice when you can spot a marker. It could be a slow speed sign or an island and you have to figure out which sign or island it is to tell where you are.

When I find a shoreline I try to stay in sight by getting as close to shore as I can, this works the best as long as you do not want to cross the river.

I remember this day well. I put my boat in the water in Grant, a town to my north, and all I needed to do was go straight across the river. There are islands not far from the boat ramp, I could not see them from the ramp because the fog was super thick.

I slowly headed for the islands and found them with no problems. Now all I needed to do was find the east shore from the islands. I held my breath and headed east from the east side of the island.

I started hearing gunshots and they sounded close, real close. I was so worried because I still could not see the shore. I stopped my boat and drifted with the engine turned off to figure out where the gunshots were coming from. As I drifted along I saw something red floating near my boat. It was a shotgun shell, then I saw another one. I could tell they had not been in the water long, they looked new. I could hear people talking and wondered if they knew I was there. They had to have heard my boat coming their way.

I sat there not knowing what to do. This was before cell phones. I had a CB radio on my boat but I was not going to put over the radio that I was in Grant, in a thick fog with people shooting shotguns and their spent shells drifting by my boat.

So I sat in the bottom of my boat praying until the fog lifted enough to see the shoreline. I was not that far from the shore or the people doing the shooting, they were about the same distance to the north from me as I was from shore. With the fog lifted enough for me to stay along the shoreline, we waved at each other and I went on fishing.

I forgot it was duck season and Grant is one of the last places they are allowed to hunt them. They had their decoys out and they had one on a stick that sat above the water and flapped its wings like it was landing. I had never seen a decoy like that and thought it was cool.


I wonder if the fog just starts out of the blue or you see it coming. Lucky you, you weren't shot. Didn't they ask where you came from? Like always it was a pleasure reading about your adventures.

Sometimes, you can see it coming, but most of the time, it will be foggy when I wake up.

When I heard them, it was scary. I was not THAT worried, but when the shells floated by my boat, I was very worried.
We did not talk only gave each other a hand wave. They were on the other side of the river standing on a shoreline across from the boat ramp. It is 2 miles across the river.

I hope before I die or can't remember them, I can write about all of my adventures.

I like it when a prompt brings back an old memory.

Thank you for reading.

I remember how I read you for the first time and asked to use a prompt. You said it wasn't possible but I told you to just write like you are used to. How many times you did that while still writing about your life as a fishery woman. Just like the first time I read you all your adventures make great reads worth publishing.

I am glad you think my stories should be published but I do not see it. These are stories I wish to leave for my grandkids, it is my life.

Now THIS is what I call an adventure story ... and your husband looking like the confident captain he is was a treat!

Thank you, I have had plenty of adventures, that is for sure.
He is the one person I have 100% trust in.

He looked like he has grown even more confident because he is trusted and also has accepted the responsibility and handled it well ... and had the photograph taken by the one who makes him feel that way!