I would like to wish everyone on Hive a Merry Christmas Eve
lack of tension
This is my post for #freewriters 2596 prompt hosted by @mariannewest
The other day I was thinking about my age and how long I have been taking pain meds. In a year and eight months, I will be 70 years old and I have been taking them for half of my life. I was in my late 30s when I hurt my back and have been on the same meds since then, they do not work like they used to work, but they do help if I stop working and go sit down with a heating pad on my back.
I do not want to go on stronger painkillers, I do not want them in the house, so I have been experimenting with CBD products. I started with the cream that you rub on the sore places. I put it on my hand and my lower back, there is no lack of tension in the lower back. It felt good when I first put it on but did not last long. I compared it to putting on something like icy hot.
My sister cleans house for a gentleman who ordered CBD products but stopped taking them so he gave them to her and she gave them to me. The gummies tasted good but that was all I got from them. The oil she gave me helped with my breathing. Every so often I get a breathing issue, the harder I try to get a breath the harder it is to take one. I was having this issue when I took the oil, I could instantly breathe better. The oil had a mint or menthol flavor that seemed to calm my lungs so I could get a full breath of air.
When I ran out of that, I bought another bottle of oil. The man behind the counter told me it was the same thing I had. He lied. It did not help my breathing and it was not mint flavored.
I was also having trouble sleeping and was talking to my son and he had some oil sent to me from a hemp farm. It does not help with my breathing but boy do I sleep good when I take it.
I also bought a bottle of gummies but they have THC in them. They do help but not with the pain, what it does is it makes me feel loose, and my body does not feel so tight. I think this helps keep the muscles from tightening around the nerves, that is my theory. The only problem is, they take a long time to start working.
My doctor drug tests me for THC and he can deny my meds for having it in my system. I told him that I was taking this and brought the bottle in with me so he could see it, he was shocked that I could buy it over the counter. He looked the bottle over, as they say with a fine toothcomb, then he googled it. He told me to stop taking it one week before I saw him on the next appointment because then it would be time to be drug tested again.
This is a crazy world, it is not ok for me to have THC in me but If they tested for alcohol, that would be alright. In my opinion, alcohol would have a worse effect mixed with pain meds rather than THC mixed with them so I do not understand the problem with THC. I will ask him when I see him next month.
photos are mine
I can't imagine half of your life with pain, properly. Definitely, it's not easy! You have tried many things, now you are with CBD and THC!
I hope that you can live a reasonably comfortable life!
You're right, it doesn't make sense to say alcohol is ok but CBD and THC are not. I should try that hemp oil and see if I sleep any better.
You can order from @rushhempfarms if you order at certain times of the month you get discounts on different products. Check out his website and read why he got started making it. I take the 5,000mg full spectrum tincture, one dropper full an hour before bedtime. I put it under my tongue and let it sit as long as I can hold it there. I read that somewhere but can't remember where or why you do this.