The Bad Story About The Autumn Equinox

in Freewriters3 months ago (edited)

What does that mean?

“That’s when the Sun is doing its thing.”

“You have a lot to learn.”

“Actually, Miss, I know a lot about space.”

Mrs T is intrigued.

“So, tell me something about space.”

To which our student replied.

“If planets are naughty, they can be blown up.”

“Excuse me,” said Mrs T. “What do you mean?”

“It's you that has a lot to learn,” said our keen student. “If planets do not comply with galactic rule, then they can end up being blown up.”

“There's no galactic rule,” said Mrs T. “You’ve probably been watching too much science fiction.”

“Fiction that can become fact,” replied our student. “We don't know what will happen. Do you know what will happen in 50 or 100 years?”

“No, I have no idea,” said Mrs T. “Maybe you are right. I still have a lot to learn.”

Our student then raises his hand in the air.

“You will give me an A for my essay on the autumn equinox.”

Mrs T stops.

“I will give you an A for your essay on the autumn equinox.”

“....and you will ring my parents to tell them.”

“I will ring your parents to tell them.”

Mrs T wastes no time. She gets her phone out of her coat and starts ringing.

“Hello, is this the parent of our keen student?"

It is.

“It's about the essay on the autumn equinox.”

“I can't believe this is working,” says our keen student to himself.

“Yes,” continued Mrs T. “I'm afraid he got an E and will need to do it again. But, what's worse, he does that thing where he raises his hand in the air.”

Everyone is silent. Especially our keen student, who suddenly is not so keen.

“There we are,” said Mrs T.

There is satisfaction in her voice.

“Oh, and if anyone tries to blow anything up, I've designed a big deflector shield. I assume that will work.”


Picture from Pixabay

Written as part of the freewrite task