Happy people don't waste their time hurting others

in Freewriters8 months ago



My grandmother always said that happy people don't waste their time hurting others, and it is true that truly happy people don't feel the need to hurt others.

Their energy and efforts are focused on more positive causes that add value to their own and others' lives.

Whereas those who are dissatisfied with themselves or their reality tend to vent their frustration by hurting those around them.

Evil often stems from unhappiness, from a failure to manage difficult emotions or to develop the necessary self-esteem.

Those who feel empty inside seek to fill that void by making others less, because they were not able to build something of their own that fulfils them.

It is sad to see how envy can also lead to destabilising the peace of others, instead of generating emulation in order to grow as a person.

Undoubtedly, goodness springs from satisfied hearts that squander their surplus goodness everywhere without expecting anything in return.