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RE: Where the lost things live

in Freewriters2 months ago (edited)

😱😱😱 OMG, what now? This user Amonet knows where the stolen things are!! I know, I will move them now to another, safe place. Mipiano can't get back her car key! buahahaha

Corre, porfa, si puedes sacarme mi llave, y el cuchillo que se llevó también. Avísame si tuviste suerte y encontraste las cosas! 🙏 Gracias!


They call me AV the all seeing eye hahaha really in my group they call me that and I know where that door is, I won't say it in public, but I know.... I'll get your stuff and I'll catch that villain!🤣

I'll catch that villain!🤣

I am in danger! 😱


Don't worry... I'll go up the lift... you know what I'm talking about there's a lift that's under that place and I'm heading especially for that door and I'll get it!!!! No one will see me, I'm invisible.... oh god what am I saying!😂

Buenas noches!!!


Buenas noches 💤