We have entered the year. The past year has been a time of tragedy and distress. Natural disasters and floods wreaked havoc at a time when Kovid's deadly scourge was engulfing the population.
Many have been devastated by the destruction of their farms, farms, homes and possessions. One landslide after another was the cause of the devastation. There have never been so many landslides in Kerala. The reason for this is that advances need to be found.
Always remember to forget the things that made you sad; but never forget to remember the things that made you glad. Forget the words that hurt you; But never forget the things that make you happy. Famous George Washington wrote: “We should never look back unless we learn useful lessons from past failures and take advantage of valuable experience.
We regard forgetfulness as a weakness. Oblivion is one of the common causes of aging. But forgetfulness can be considered a blessing. It should be seen as one of the abilities God has given us. Remembering all this, how miserable and miserable life can be.Secure our peace as well. Always We need to forget a lot about progress. What are the things to forget.
- Missed Opportunities: Do not dare to face today's tasks and challenges and look to the past with despair and sigh. Before us lies the Great Now and the unborn Tomorrow. When a boy with congenital paralysis went to school, some miscreants called him a scoundrel. Self-aware of his limitations, he did not notice it at first. But when it increased, he became quite upset. When he came home, he entered the room, leaned against the door, and sadly complained to God.
Why did you give birth to me like this? How good it would have been if I had not been born! ' His mother was outside listening to his grief and pleading. She opened the door, called her son, and said to him, "Aren't you a wise man?" You have to pray, God, what is your purpose in my life? Please enable me to color it.
- Forget hurt feelings: Unpleasant conversations, incidents and so on can happen. It can happen in family life or in the social sphere. When Jesus told them to be like babies, their specialty was that even if they quarreled today, they would be friends again tomorrow.
What are the things to remember?
We must remember the circumstances and reasons that led us to sin and evil. The potential for conflict in the family; Conversations, if they are remembered, can avoid conflicts. Remember the place, the situation, the meeting that leads to.
Remember the graces and blessings of God. Especially as we enter the New Year, a grateful heart will motivate us to imagine a hopeful future.
We need to remember and know the difficulties and difficulties of others. May we not be selfish and remember the brothers and sisters around us who are suffering and extend a helping hand.
I wish the New Year a happy and prosperous New Year.