Converting the chances into opportunities

in Freewriters3 years ago

Einstein gave many lectures on that day. He was tired by the time he spoke. His driver told him he understood the situation. People in this area have never met you. I will make the speach for you. Your speeches are there in my mind like my thoughts. He half-heartedly agreed.


Einstein himself was amazed to hear the driver speak. The presentation was so captivating. Then someone in the audience asked a tough question. At first he said something poignant but calm. Even my driver can answer such a simple question. He will say. Einstein was called back and he escaped.

The most appropriate is not how well they behaved in the strings. Even in the most adverse situation With all the right to slow down and withdraw from life no matter how well-balanced they are, those who put every step forward only rely on their own mentality, not the impending doom. Not every moment goes through the script. Failure to respond to uncertainties can lead to inactivation.


The real hero of many is brought out by the unpleasant experiences of being caught by accident. Any seed will germinate under favorable conditions. Giving a suitable opportunity to those who have given up writing the verdict that nothing is worthwhile can be seen to grow rapidly.