If you wish to know my heart

in Freewriters7 months ago


If you wish to know my heart in truth:
Do not invade it roughly.
Do not force it into submission.
Do not snatch it, it is not your prey.
You must conquer it with gentleness!
This is how the purest affection is obtained.
I, in my turn, will give myself to the task
To yield yours with noble devotion.
But not with violent onslaughts,
Nor invasions to disturb your peace.
Nor with robberies that would distort his faith.
I will seduce him like a courtly gallant,
a subtle and tenacious conqueror.
I hope he will find in you, my beloved
a lady to be praised.
May you open the gates of your castle
With grace and decorum, without demur.
For our hearts are yearning:
To be conquered as is fitting!