Quick Story Writing: A tale About cats 📝🐈

in Freewriters3 months ago

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Greetings friends freewriters, this is my first post in the community and I would like to share with you a short story that I wrote quickly during a free moment in my day. I hope you enjoy it and I am open to receiving your feedback and constructive criticism. Without further ado, here is my story:

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The kingdom of Gaturria and the human threat

This was the beautiful princess Nieves, worried about her kingdom and the human invasion.

In some place in the world and a long time ago there lived Nieves, a beautiful and very intelligent white cat who ruled as a princess over a country inhabited only by cats, called Gaturria. She ruled patiently, though strictly, being a good ruler loved by many, but the situation of her country lately was not exactly the best. This was because, recently, a couple of humans had discovered their lands and had started causing chaos and taking things that belonged to the felines.

This was a new problem for which they had to quickly find solutions, as, although they were only a couple of humans, they knew that soon they would end up taking more and could soon lead their kingdom to extinction. Therefore, the princess called a great assembly, with all the inhabitants of the village, to seek ideas on how to drive away the invaders.

These are the two young cats, Neg, the brave black knight, and Tesor, the kind village salesman.

Among all the cats in the village, there were two unique cats who suggested ideas to address the problem. The Young Knight was Neg, a cat who had been trained by his father since childhood to be brave and belong to the army that defended his village. He was the first to stand up and propose an idea: to bravely fight against the giant humans invading their village and use their claws and fangs to scare them away, sacrificing some of their soldiers for the common good whenever possible. It was the only way he knew to protect Gaturria, and many seemed to like the idea as it was the only one that had arisen so far.

But after a brief moment, another Young Cat stood up. He was Tesor, a shy, generous, and very intelligent cat who was raised by a family in the village and worked as a vendor in the streets. Tesor presented his idea, which was more peaceful: to talk to the humans to make them leave the place and then set up an invisible barrier, with the help of the wizard cat who lived in one of the houses in the village and was known to be powerful, so that when they returned, they could not enter. He only wanted peace and a future solution to avoid losing companions, which was also accepted by a few others.

As the second young cat finished sharing his idea and the entire meeting room debated between one idea and the other, the princess stood up and silenced everyone to speak. To her, both ideas seemed somewhat incomplete: the first idea was too violent and risked future invasions and the loss of some of their inhabitants, and the other did not believe that simply speaking to the humans would be enough, as it would be difficult for them to accept peacefully. So, using her intelligence and taking into account both ideas, she proposed a plan that all the cats accepted.

Princess Nieves also helped attack humans to scare them.

They got to work, and the next day they were ready to drive the humans out of their village. First, they set a trap: they lured the humans and for the first time spoke to them to make them scared but also marvel at what they had discovered; then they waited for them to bring all the others who were with them, totaling 5. With the humans who knew about them, they started gathering together, including the princess and the two young cats, to attack them strongly and make them flee. Once they succeeded, the wizard cat cast a spell creating a large invisible barrier around the entire village that the humans could not pass through, causing them to fall unconscious and a bit bewildered, making them think it had all been a dream.

This is the wizard cat who cast the spell that has protected the village and the cats to this day.

Fortunately, no cat sacrificed themselves that day, and the spell only applied to humans, so the cat inhabitants of the village could easily go out and come back. However, as a security measure, any cat that crossed the barrier lost their ability to speak, only regaining it when outside the village, to continue protecting their village from being discovered by humans in the future.

This has been maintained to this day, and that's why we see the felines roaming our world, but without saying a word. As for our characters, the entire village celebrated their victory for weeks, and they have lived in peace to this day. The knight goes on missions in the human world to ensure that everything remains well inside and outside the village, and the vendor cat ended up becoming a loyal vassal of the princess who accompanies her always.

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All the photographs in this post are mine, taken with my iPhone XR phone.
The cover was edited on the BeFunky website.
The cats featured here are my pets Negro and Tesoro as the knight and the salesman, my Aunt Nieve's pet who was the princess, and a stray cat I photographed on my way who was the wizard.