Why I Started Youtube & How Houseplants Affect Me

in Freewriters3 years ago


My LARGEST passion slash hobbies that has impacted my life a lot! ..has started with this blog...

A place I could be myself in every way, not have to commit to someone because I did all of it on my own time, and document my life for years to come to look back on with my family and smile!


The people who I have met through my blog, and this communitiy itself, has been uplifting to my Life, My blog has
brought me to where i am now, and where i am now is on freaking youtube!
I started this blog off with the intent to some day venture out to youtube, but I was blogging for about 1 year straight. . consistently, and then I dissapeared. While I was gone from the blogging
world, I fell more and more in love with my plants. I dabbled here and there on past blog posts about my house plants, but it has expanded EXPONENTIALLY and the ammount of pure JOY it brings me is invigorating.

Not only did I start my youtube on the sole purpose of loving plants, but the excitment it brought me when people who I haven't even heard from in 10+ years were asking ME for help!
I just love plants?
I didn't realize how much I could help someone, make someone more happier with diagnosing their sick plants, and bringing joy to THERE lives. I am in no way and educated professional in botany or house plants or anything like this. I am SELF taught, learned from other plant youtubers out there and educated myself by doing a shit ton of researching when I needed to. House plants and my love for them have become one of my greatest hobbies of all time and I don't think I would ever feel any differently about them now. They will always be
in my life. But, like I just said, this is strickly a HOBBY of mine. The things I appemt to educate others on in my youtube videos is not FALSE or FICTION, but they are all my opinions, what has
worked for me, what I have researched and what I have realized has helped many others as well!

I was always fascinated by other peoples lives. I follow many, many ... probabaly way to many, youtubers and vloggers. I Havent had cable TV for what seems like over 6 years because I get my lounging content through the youtube community mostly. You have your reality TV shows such as 90 day fiance, survivor, american idol, ect.. but thats the shitty thing about it... ITS FAKE! It's so damn scripted I dont understand how people can watch all that garbage TV when you can go to youtube, literally look up "vloggers" and find THOUSANDS of REAL PEOPLE, who vlog there REAL LIVES and put those REAL LIVES onto the internet for them to gain REAL PEOPLE to subscribe to their REAL CHANNELS and for those people to enjoy this REAL, RAW, BEAUTIFUL content they are putting out for the entire freaking GLOBE to see! Key word, "real" .... if you didn't catch that ;)

When my father passed away I realized that he was one of the LARGE reasons behind me loving plants so much. Growing up, we always had Geraniums in and around the entire house. inside
and outside. Every fall he would dig up all our canna lilies from outside, clean them off and put them in our basement for the winter months and baby them in the spring to put them back outside and make our yard looking fantabulous in the summertime! He was a landscaper you
see, so he was ALWAYS outside, playing with this tree, planting this flower ... & he adored doing it. Blasting the tunes, going out in the sun and having the time of his life! As wierd as this may sound to some people, yes I saw him doing this stuff everyday, but I didnt realize I was the same way until he was gone. He would be so damn proud of me, how much i've learnt all the plants i've aquired in the last year and half and how happy they make me, he would be happy & proud of me and I hope hes looking down on me and sending his love, cause im not sure how some of my plants are even ALIVE!

ONE other person who HIGHLY implemented my love for house plants and all house plant things into my brain was my lovely husband, David! Even since I met him over 3 years ago, he always loved playing in the dirt, growing vegetables from seed inside the house to bring outside in our gardens in the late spring, growing his own grapes, cherrys, apples and even dabbling with exotic
berries such as elderberry and goji berries! He didn't have any house plants when I met him, neither did I, but his love for the outdoors, planting things, watching them grow, watching them
produce FOOD for our family and being in awe of the simple things in life fueled me to no end & he has been supportive from day one ....

except when I now have to many plants and nowhere to put them

...so besides doing the whole "plant youtube" thing, I also do monthly vlogs, Not only do I do this for the fact that I hope one day I do gain a following who likes fun vlogs, interesting plant contect and the cutest little toddler in the entire universe but I also do it because it's somthing I can one day look back on with my family, 10, 20 years from now and
reminese about all those wonderful times I captured and put together in a sweet as fuck vlog! Deciding to take my life to the youtube world is fucking scary as shit man, certain videos that i have already filmed and edited, i have refilmed ... multiple times ... because for some reason the more i watch them, the more i critisize myself and cant get it through my head that i have literally never done this in my entire life. After posting for the past month on youtube, vlogs and plant content, I have grown in so many ways. I have learnt to edit my own videos, learning new editing techniques and fun things to add to the videos. I have learnt new ways to vlog, hold the camera, angles, lighting, and sound. I have learnt that it is absolutly, positivly thirlling and
uplifting to film little clips during the day for my vlogs and how much fun I have doing it and I have learnt to be more positive, relaxed, organized in researching and hypnotized by the pure joy it brings me.

The next time you see someone on youtube who made a video that you looked up, weather it be a "how to" video or a vlog your randomly stumbled upon, understand that, it takes a lot of time
to film, edit and post, the research that may have gone into making the video or the vulnerability it takes for someone to post about their entire life in a vlog. They are doing this because they are
passionate about it, it brings them joy and they want to bring joy to all of you as well!

Here I am going to list my YouTube upload schedule with you, and if you enjoy reading my blogs then you will 100% not be dissapointed about heading on over to my youtube where I put myself
out there for the world to basically judge me but hopefully be my friend. I am also
going to link below my 1st ever youtube video, which was an introduction to my youtube channel where I sit and tell you what im all about! (Filmed about 2 years ago, i have definitely come a long way) !

First Youtube Video:

Monday - Plant Content
Wednesday - Lifestyle Content
Friday - Plant Content
Bi-Monthly Vlogs


Uff that was many for read but i love how u write you‘r real thoughts and that u say that ur youtube channel is just a hobby and not you‘r plan b to earn you‘r money for living.

And it was very interesting to see that youtube is so big and have so many sections like this plant youtubers.

In my opinion the most of the young guys dont watch tv anymore, the times changed..

but that is good and because the network we become smarter than the other generations.

Hive is the pleace where everyone can be as they want but sadly on the other mainstream social media not…

I hope that u understand what i‘m saying because my english is very bad for now but i‘m working on it ✅

Thanks for sharing your interesting post 📜