The image connects me to my childhood,
a wooden shoe in my parents' house.
This image takes me back to my childhood, a wooden shoe at home. Which of my brothers wore it? Where did he buy it? because in those years the closest we had to look at this kind of culture was Margarita Island when there was a free market.
Those who ventured to save money used to travel to the island because they said that everything was cheaper there, and also everything was available, when I saw this wooden shoe arrive, I remember that it was full of candies or chocolates, my memory does not reach that far, looking at it made me laugh. I thought as a child and I wondered who wears wooden shoes to walk.
As I grew up I understood that this wooden Swede has his story from a far away country that at that time I would not understand. Neither the country, nor its culture by symbolizing it with a wooden shoe.

Looking at it here among gifts wrapped with Christmas decoration paper, full of carrots, loose cookies can have another meaning that makes the imagination fly and weave stories about it.
Christmas time, carrots, nutritious food suggestions and cookies, bring confectionery for Christmas, date in which everything is transformed into days of smiles, faith, joy, sharing the little or the much that you have at the moment, to cheer others with their beautiful memories that will last, like mine as a child who asked me who can wear wooden shoes? with the innocence of a child, but well received that gift although it was not for me, it was for my mother. ...the years passed and that shoe adorned a space as a symbol of a gift for mom on a trip, that although it was not of Venezuelan culture, who bought it perhaps called her attention to the Swedish wood, which at that time the girl did not understand the country where it came from, and how it called to my country and perhaps to the Island as it is called to that wonderful place surrounded by beautiful beaches and beautiful places.
I am already doing my homework, when I go to visit my mother's house, even though she is not physically there, I can give myself the task of looking for the famous wooden shoe, I know it must be somewhere in the house because my mother loved to keep or keep those gifts that came to her hands.

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Translator DeepL
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La imagen me conecta a mi infancia,

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Translator DeepL
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La imagen me conecta a mi infancia,
un zapato de madera en casa de mis padres.
Esta imagen me traslada a la infancia, un zapato de madera en casa ¿Cuàl de mis hermanos lo llevò? ¿Dònde lo comprò? porque en aquellos años lo màs cerca que tenìamos para mirar este tipo de cultura era la Isla de Margarita cuando existìa el libre mercado.
Solìan viajar a la isla quienes se aventuraban a ahorrar porque decìan que allà era màs barato todo, y ademàs se conseguìa todo, al ver llegar este zapato de madera , recuerdo que venìa lleno de caramelos o chocolates hasta allì no llega mi memoria, mirarlo me daba risa. Pensaba yo como niña y me preguntaba quien se pone zapatos de madera para andar.
Al crecer comprendìa que este sueco de madera tiene su historia de un paìs lejano en aquel entonces no entenderìa. Ni el paìs, ni su cultura al simbolizarla con un zapato de madera.

Mirarlo aquì entre regalos envueltos con papel de decoraciòn navideña, lleno de zanahorias, galletas sueltas puede tener otro significado que hace volar la imaginaciòn y tejer historias acerca de el.
Êpoca navideña, zanahorias sugerencia de alimentos nutritivos y galletas, traen confites para la navidad, fecha en la que todo se transforma en dìas de sonrisas, fe, alegrìas, compartir lo poco o lo mucho que se tenga en el momento, para alegrar a otros con sus bonitos recuerdos que van a perdurar, asì como el mìo de niña que me preguntaba ¿quièn puede usar unos zapatos de madera? con la inocencia de niña, pero bien recibido ese regalo aunque no fue para mi, fue para mi madre...pasaron los años y ese zapato adornaba un espacio como sìmbolo de un regalo para mamà en un viaje, que a pesar no era de cultura venezolana, quien lo comprò quizàs le llamò la atenciòn el sueco de madera, que en ese entonces la niña no entendìa del paìs de donde provenìa, y como llègò a mi paìs y quizàs a la Isla como se le dice a ese lugar maravilloso rodeado de hermosas playas y hermosos lugares.
Ya me pongo tarea , cuando vaya de visita a la casa de mi madre aunque ella no està fisicamente puedo darme la tarea de buscar el famoso zapato de madera, se que debe estar en algùn de la casa porque a mi madre le encantaba guardar o mantener esos regalos que le llegaban a sus manos.

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What a beautiful experience you've had
Thank you for your visit
Thanks for sharing your childhood memory! Beautiful.
Thank you for your visit
I hope you find the wooden shoes. Nice entry to the contest.
Thank you very much for your good wishes
Merry Christmas
Delegations welcome! You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive!
Sometimes one breaks if you jump or run or play. This wooden shoe is Dutch and with hay or a newspaper in it it keeps your feet warm.
If there's only one left some people hang it outside on the wall and plant a plant in it.
Thank you