A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words [Eng/Esp]

in Freewriters4 months ago (edited)


Enchanting Freedom, a word that in the world is represented as doing whatever you please or whatever your conscience or thought dictates.

Freedom has different ways of looking at it, according to the culture, according to the way of thinking, according to the country of birth, according to the political system of each country. All this brings different ways of looking at it, expressing it and living it.

Sometimes talking about freedom is a subject with so many nuances that it is possible to argue about it and even to become enemies.

We grew up in a society where the rules to behave within it are established and the guidelines of how to behave in it are there, we have to follow them to be able to say that we belong there.

This conception of Freedom has brought consequences in what the society has advanced, many characters have come out exaggerating what Freedom means for them, each one leaves phrases to make reference to it.

One of the phrases that are often placed on the networks is: “your thoughts are your cage or your freedom” unknown author. Here I introduce the system of beliefs, a system that is barbaric to achieve absolute freedom, because in it goes what is recorded in the subconscious, another thing is what the conscious tells you...as when we say that the subconscious failed me.

In this age that I have been, I have traveled about the subject to be able to evolve and to really say I am free, I have not yet reached this point, because the family loyalties also have to do in this link. Those loyalties in all senses that lead us to say so did my grandfather, my father and I must also do it, another case is with health, when they give a medical diagnosis you get to say that it is hereditary.

I have been working on this for a few months and it is really not easy to do it differently, there are many factors against it, such as the people around you and they do not have that level of consciousness to say I love and respect my ancestors, I decided to do it differently. Besides to take it to our subconscious is a struggle between the family loyalty and what is decided.

To feel, to think, to speak, to express oneself in written form we are always beset by prejudice, just because it is not the way they look at things and in seeking to do it differently there is the attack.

That is why freedom is so precious, we will be truly free when everyone respects the choices of others even if they feel that it is not the right thing to do.

I still think that to be truly free we have to isolate ourselves to listen to our inner self, to feel it, to understand it and to comprehend it. Nothing simple, not impossible, to follow what the heart dictates, there are no rules, no norms...to calm the intellect for a while so that it lets us be free.

It is really wonderful to visualize myself in a world like the one in the picture, to feel the air on my face, my skin and to look at everything from above must be a unique sensation, far from fear with the certainty of being grateful for the wonders that surround us.

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Translator DeepL




Encantadora Libertad, una palabra que en el mundo se representa como hacer lo que plazca o lo que dicte la conciencia o el pensamiento.

La Libertad, presenta diferentes formas de mirarlas, de acuerdo a la cultura, de acuerdo a la forma de pensar, de acuerdo al paìs que se nace , de acuerdo al sistema polìtico de cada paìs. Todo esto trae dierentes formas de mirarla, expresarla y vivirla.

A veces conversar sobre la libertad es un tema con muchos matices que hasta se puede llegar a discutir en relaciòn al tema y hasta quedar enemistado.

Crecimos en una sociedad donde las normas para comportarse dentro de la misma estàn establecidas y las pautas de como manejarnos en ella estàn allì, hay que seguirlas para poder decir que pertenecemos allì.

Esta concepciòn de Libertad ha traìdo consecuencias en lo que ha avanzado la sociedad, han salido muchos personajes exeriorizando què significa Libertad para ellos, cada uno deja frases para hacer referencia a ella.

Una de las frases que suelen colocarse en las redes es : “tus pensamientos son tu jaula o tu libertad” autor desconocido. esto es que como piensas, hablas y actùas. Aquì introduzco el sistema de creencias, un sistema que es bàrbaro para lograr una libertad absoluta, porque en ello va lo que està grabado en el subconsciente, otra cosa es lo que el consciente te dice...asì como cuando decimos me fallò el subconsciente.

En esta edad que llevo, he recorrido acerca del tema para poder yo evolucionar y de verdad decir soy libre, aùn no llego a este punto, porque las lealtades familiares tambien tienen que ver en este enlace. Esas lealtades en todos los sentidos que nos llevan a decir asì lo hizo mi abuelo , mi padre y tambièn debo hacerlo, otro caso es con la salud, cuando dan un diagnòstico mèdico se llega a decir eso es hereditario.

Ante este llevo unos meses trabajando y de verdad nada sencillo, hacerlo diferente, hay mucho factores en contra como las personas que te rodean y no tienen ese nivel de consciencia como para decir a mis ancestros los amo y los respeto, decidì hacerlo de otra manera. Ademàs para llevarlo a nuestro subconsciente es una lucha entre la lealta familiar y lo que se decide.

Sentir, pensar, hablar, expresarse en forma escrita siempre estamos acechados por el prejuicio, solo porque no es la forma de como miran las cosas y al buscar hacerlo diferentes està el ataque.

Por eso la libertad es tan preciada, de verdad seremos libres cuando cada quien respete las elecciones de otros asì se sienta que no es lo que debe seguir. las opiniones se respetan.

Sigo pensando que ser verdaderamente libres hay que aislarse para escuchar nuestro interno, sentirlo, entenderlo y comprenderlo. Nada sencillo, no imposible, seguir lo que dicta el corazòn, no hay reglas , no normas...tranquilizar al intelecto un rato para que nos deje ser libres.

De verdad que visualizarme en un globo como el de la fotografìa es maravilloso, dejo sentir el aire en mi cara, mi piel y mirar todo desde arriba debe ser una sensaciòn ùnica, lejos del miedo con la certeza de agradecer las maravillas que nos rodean.

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I really liked the interesting twist you put on the image, talking more about the sense of freedom and how we see it. Good luck in the contest @mercmarg 🤗.

Thank you very much.
That's how I felt when I saw the image, I connected with Freedom, the real Freedom, for me.


"...to be truly free we have to isolate ourselves to listen to our inner self ..." That will really solve the problem. I like that.

Thank you
For ordinary people this is an act of rebellion, not of love for ourselves.

There's so much involved in being free. Like you said..our mind often cage us and if we can think it, we can become it.

It is a work of conscience, a little strong but not impossible...strong because it is for my inner self, I have to dedicate myself.

Thank you

I wonder if floating I
With a balloon feels like freedom

It is a matter of experimentation