Five loaves of bread; a freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago


They looked pale, exhausted and fatigued. The pangs of hunger have snapped any joules of energy left in their system. All they had left was the companionship they shared and the strength of their unity...that unassailable assurance that they got each other back.

After weeks of intense trekking in search of a new home, coupled with the apprehension of being caught by their rival's soldiers at the back of their minds. They finally made it to the borders of the town of Nguma. A town located at the northeast of Nkubo district which houses other renowned towns within that region.

Geographically, it is found within the confines of the rainforest and adorned by vegetation of various kinds which is well organized to a degree of aesthetic importance. The town has a buoyant economy which is mainly kept afloat by the influx of foreigners from near and far to do business.

Ndlovu and his brothers made their way through the busy streets of the town,as they search frantically for a suitable place to ease the stress. Sighting an uncompleted building a few kilometres away from where they were, they heaved a sigh of relief. With excitement they made their way towards the dilapidated structure.

The abandoned structure will turn out to be a lifelong home for the kids.

Few months ago, the four children was on the run in search of a safe place to live. The loss of their parents to the cold hands of death even made the decision an inevitable one. The battle between their village and their rival reached boiling point. A truce could not be reached due to the undying stubbornness of each village to exude their sovereignty over each other. This lead to destruction of homes, plundering of loots and dead bodies been stacked in their numbers. This gory sight would become the aftermath view of the village of Ngosi.

Ngosi a small village located at southern part of Nkubo kingdom. A renowned village known for its electrifying beauty, breathless natural endowment and unprecedented economy.

Ngosi and its neighbouring town Ngala sited a measurable kilometres away from her have been at loggerheads due to the discovery of gold in Ngosi.

Ever since the excavation of the mineral resource in Ngosi. The people of Ngala have always treated the indigenes of Ngosi with so much difference. The gold did do wonders in the land of Ngosi-it unlocked the chains of poverty in the village...there was a noticeable improvement in the standard of living, stability in economy and advancement in learning.

The government of Ngosi did try to extend the hand of transformation to their neighbors, but all efforts was rebuffed. The ruler of Ngala had his sights on the cataracts of gold found in Ngosi and was determined to do anything to lay his hands on it. This unchecked greed of ruler of Ngala led to a gruesome battle between the two villages.

Hidden in a safe place in the basement of their home was four children by names, Ndlovu, Tau, Meshark and Thomas. They were left with an imperial order by their parents not to leave their hide outs until the coast is clear. As the sounds of war machines subsided. The wails of bereaved families could be heard from all corners of the village. The battle was was a fatal loss to people of Ngosi- a large part of their precious gold was plundered.

The kids found their way out of the their hide out as they heard the wails. They could not hold their emotions as they looked on to the devastated condition of their once glorified village. The youngest amongst them Thomas threw up many times even as his eyes was drenched with hot tears. He kept mumbling "where is Papa and Mama?", as he sobbed. But Ndlovu, the eldest was not in the mood to entertain bickering and he yelled at him to be calm. He admonished him to try and keep it together to avoid attracting the attention of Invaders.

The children set out to look for their parents. They search for them in all areas of the village they could think of but there was no sign of them. They fear of losing their parents started building up strong emotions within them. As chances of seeing them again was like a top of a mountain away from them, they wept heavily when it dawned on them that their parents are gone. After recollecting themselves from the loss. They decided to move in search of somewhere safe to live.

To be continued

Your thoughts are welcomed. I will be glad to see them and learn

Disclaimer: None of names of persons or places used here has anything to do with reality. It's just a work of fiction.

Thanks for the opportunity @mariannewest.

I have been away for a very long time. I hope am brought up to speed with what is happening.