what I see
I see a room with cradle bed in it. Two pillow on the floor and a toy baby kept on a drawer.
what I feel
I feel the room is decorated for a toddler, to keep him away from disturbing his parent with cry.
The story behind the picture
Merlin was nicknamed the crying baby the night he was given birth to. His blue eyes and the cute smile makes him lovable at the very sight of him.
But he became famous in that street for keeping everyone awake at night with his crying. The name crying baby started the very morning after his birth. "Congratulations Mrs Rogers, is this the cute crying baby?" one of the neighbour said to Mrs Rogers who was lying on a sofa with the baby kept by her side. "Yeah, he is" she replied, with a slight grin on her face.
Merlin was now a year and six month old and yet the crying was becoming even more intense, literally depriving his parents of their sleep at night. "We need to get a separate room for Merlin And secure it in such A way that his cry won't have to disturb our sleep or that of our neighbours" Mr Rogers said to his wife one evening." " yeah, I think it will be a nice idea." Mrs Rogers said.
Two day after the conversation, Mr Rogers separated a room and furnished it with a cradle bed, drawer, and a play space which is to be Merlin's room. It was after the decoration that the above picture was captured.
Sounds as if Merlin is abandoned/in lockdown. Thanks for joining pic1000. 👍
But did it keep him from crying???