The sum of who I am (a freewrite piece)

in Freewriters3 years ago

Miscolored panda

People can’t always show you their real selves, so they hide behind a self confidence that isn’t always that, they hide behind laughter and humor, behind sarcasm, behind toughness and in most cases even cruelty. Because to them it’s easier to show one aspects of their very complicated personalities or be someone else entirely, than have you see them, truly see them.

Other times it’s our choice to see just one sides to people, because it makes us easier to forget how human they are, that way we wouldn’t be too involved in their lives, or carry all of the burdens of their very complicated human completeness

It’s amazing that I can feel sadness, but there are those who can only associate me with my joy,

that I can feel weakness, but some only see my strength,

that I can feel completely lost, in the dark, without purpose, but there are people I inspire to want to do more,

Some can only see me as shoulder, someone to lay burdens of emotions and life on, someone who fixes, but they don’t know that I struggle, sometimes even more than they do.

It’s difficult not to feel alone, when the people who know you only know in bits and pieces, or maybe they know all of you, but they choose the parts they want to love and ignore all the rest.

I think the epitome of human existence is achieved when you find someone or two, that you always want to show your self to. Someone or two, that know to love you and all of you.
I think that’s what we should all strive for, a love that sees the whole board, a love that loves completely.