Hi Hive friends, today I share with you a story I made for my daughter, in May 2015 for a school assignment.

Once upon a time, two brothers went out to play in the forest. But let me tell you, it wasn't just any forest, it was a magical one! With trees, flowers and all kinds of animals. They were enchanted in the forest, they didn't realize that they had been there for a long time.

As they walked, they observed and admired the beauties that were hidden in that fabulous forest. The magical forest! A place hidden deep in the mountain, it was fascinating, offering natural wonders of unparalleled beauty. They stop for a moment and contemplate this place, suddenly they find a tender and sweet bunny.

Ellos dicen: puede hablar! Y comienzan a conversar con el conejo.
Los hermanos le preguntan:
¿Cuál es tu nombre? —él responde: Copo de Nieve.
La niña le dice: Quisiera que seas nuestro amigo, él es mi hermano Carlos y yo Mariana.
Este lugar es encantador Copo de Nieve, es muy lindo!
Quisiera saber si me puedes ayudar a descubrir porque en nuestro mundo los árboles son tristes, las mariposas casi no se ven, los pájaros y otros animales están desapareciendo.
The rabbit is astonished, jumps with surprise and exclaims: Who are you! What are you doing here? They say: You can talk! And they begin to converse with the rabbit. The brothers ask him: What is your name? -He answers: Snowflake. The girl says: I would like you to be our friend, he is my brother Carlos and I am Mariana. This place is lovely Snowflake, it's very nice! I would like to know if you can help me find out why in our world the trees are sad, the butterflies are almost not seen, the birds and other animals are disappearing.

Snowflake says: that's difficult. I can't leave here, it's forbidden by the laws of the magic forest.
Se dirigen al árbol donde vive el búho Amoroso. Al llegar, —el búho abre sus majestuosas alas y dice: —Copo de Nieve, tiempo sin verte!
A que debo el honor de tu visita?
¡Y estos niños! ¿Quiénes son? ¿Qué hacen en el bosque?
Ellos son mis amigos, él es Carlos y ella es Mariana.
Nos encontramos en el árbol de la suerte!
—Oh!!! Qué bien! - Entonces estos amiguitos son niños de la suerte!
y bien, dime: qué buscan en nuestro bosque mágico?
But let's go visit the wizard Amoroso, he is a very wise owl. He can help you. They go to the tree where Amoroso the owl lives. When they arrive, the owl opens his majestic wings and says: "Snowy Owl, long time no see! To what do I owe the honor of your visit? And these children! Who are they? What are they doing in the forest? They are my friends, this is Carlos and this is Mariana. We met at the lucky tree! -Oh! How nice! - So these little friends are lucky children! So, tell me: what are they looking for in our magic forest?

—Oh, oh, oh, Interesante!
Vamos, acérquense al lago de la verdad y la luz.
I would like you to help us discover why the trees in my world are sad? We see almost no butterflies and other animals are becoming extinct. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, interesting! Come on, get closer to the lake of truth and light".

Lake of truth and light, show us the world of these children, to see what happens to their trees?
Hay mucha tala y quema indiscriminada, las industrias, la inconciencia están acabando con la vida en el planeta. La Amazonía, la están destrozando... Es terrible! Es un genocidio!
Los árboles están muy tristes por los incendios forestales, porque con las maquinarías los cortan sin piedad.
¡Oh!, han destruido muchos bosques!
The lake begins to move, shows the terrible tragedy. The flora and fauna in your world is in danger! There is a lot of logging and indiscriminate burning, industries, unconsciousness are killing life on the planet. The Amazon, they are destroying it? It is terrible! It is a genocide! The trees are very sad because of the forest fires, because with the machines they cut them without mercy. Oh, they have destroyed many forests!

They say: and what can we do? They are saddened to see what the lake of truth and light shows them. -After a deep silence, the Loving owl says. I have an idea! We must help these children save the trees and life in their world. The work is hard, it is difficult, but it is not impossible!
We will help you with an awareness campaign. -I will delegate the guardians of the forest to do the job. The men and women of your world must learn to coexist with Mother Nature, they must respect her and not deplete her riches. The unconsciousness that exists in your world is to blame for this environmental disaster.
Water says: Take care of me today more than ever, do not contaminate me. Without water, there is no life!

The rabbit says, "When you set fires, you destroy my home and many animals disappear. When you set fires, you destroy everyone's habitat.

-The tree expresses, by burning me, you destroy the natural air purifier. Life is precious, stop burning!

-The flowers exclaim, we beautify the environment! By burning and cutting down they destroy the beauty we offer to the Earth.

All together we can do it, save the planet that is our home! Thank you friends of the magic forest, we will fight to preserve life in the world.
a story with a good message for children everywhere
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