
Once upon a time there was a very peculiar mosquito that had no sting at all. Unlike the rest of his companions, he could neither sting nor feed on the blood of other living creatures.
One day, as the swarm flew over a pond in search of its next victim, the stingless mosquito lamented his condition.
-What's the use of being a mosquito if I can't fulfil my purpose? -he asked himself despondently.
At that moment, a frog poked his head out of the water and saw him fluttering about.
-What's the matter, little fellow,’ asked the frog curiously.
The stilt explained his dilemma, to which the frog replied with a smile:
-You needn't be ashamed. You may not be able to sting, but you have the privilege of not hurting anyone. That makes you a very special being.
From then on, the frog realised that his difference was in fact a gift, and set about enjoying his unique life without causing harm to others.
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