That term "scoundrel" reminds me of my childhood.
I remember as a child wetting my bed at night. I suffered from that terrible nightmare for many years. That memory lingers in my memory. My mother and my grandmother scolded me because I did not control my urine sphincter at night, that is to say, I would fall asleep and then wet the bed and I did not even realize it.
I remember that my grandmother used to make me urinate in tison, I did not drink water after six o'clock in the evening, I could not walk barefoot because my feet would get cold and my bladder would also get cold. All these practices were done to me by my grandmother. What madness and deprived me of many things. I remember that sometimes after six o'clock in the evening I wanted to sit on the floor to play kitipon with my sisters and I couldn't because according to my grandmother I would catch a cold. When no remedy was given to me, my grandmother would say to me, "That girl is a scoundrel:
-That girl is scoundrel, how is it possible that she doesn't feel when she urinates.
I would start crying and then it would go away. I spent several years like that until I was ten years old when I was taken to the pediatrician and he told my mother: "That girl suffers from enuresis:
That child suffers from nocturnal enuresis and must be medicated so that she can control her urinary sphincter at night.
I was indeed medicated and after a month she was no longer wetting the bed. I was very happy but I will never forget that experience.
Ese término de sinvergüenza me recuerda mi niñez.
Recuerdo cuando era niña me orinaba la cama en las horas de la noche. sufrí de esa terrible pesadilla durante muchos años. Ese recuerdo pernocta en mi memoria. Mi madre y mi abuela me regañaban porque no controlaba el esfínter de la orina en horas de la noche, es decir me dormía y luego mojaba la cama que ni cuenta me daba.
Recuerdo que mi abuela me ponía a orinar en tison, no tomaba agua después de las seis de la tarde, no podía andar descalza ya que agarraba frío por los pies y la vejiga también agarraba frío. Todos esas prácticas me las hacía mi abuela. Que locura y me privaba de muchas cosas. Recuerdo que a veces después de las seis de la tarde quería sentarme en el piso a jugar kitipon junto con mis hermanas y no podía porque según mi abuela me resfriaba. Cuando ningún remedio que me hacían me prestaba mi abuela me decía:
-Esa niña si es sinvergüenza, como es posible que no siente cuando se orina.
Me ponía a llorar y luego se me pasaba. Así pasé varios años hasta la edad de diez años que me llevaron al pediatra y le dijo a mi madre:
Esa niña sufre de enuresis nocturna y hay que medicarla para que pueda controlar su esfínter urinario en horas nocturnas.
Efectivamente fui medicada y al cabo de un mes ya no mojaba la cama. Me sentí muy feliz pero nunca se me olvida esa experiencia.
Thanks for bringing this post out.I also remind my childhood
after hearing this from you,huh ha, that was a memory long back...:)
That's right my friend @ford.stem that memory always comes to my mind. Greetings
Greetings to you also,
Happy Tuesday. God bless you,👍🙂