(Page 6) This was the first summer the coach let us boys wear swim trunks. But mom said Rodrick's hand-me-down bathing suit was "Perfectly Fine."
After swim practice, Rodrick would pick me up in his band's van. Mom had this crazy idea that if me and Rodrick spent "Quality Time" on the ride home every day, we wouldn't fight as much. But all it did was make things a lot worse. Rodrick was always a half hour late picking me up. And he wouldn't let me sit up front. He said the chlorine would ruin his seat, even though the van was like fifteen years old.
Rodrick's van doesn't actually have any seats in the back, so I had to squeeze in with all the band equipment. And every time the van came to a stop, I had to pray I didn't take my head taken off by one of Rodrick's drums.
I ended up walking home every day instead of getting a ride from Rodrick. I figured it was better to just walk the two miles than to get brain damage riding in the back of that van. Halfway through the summer, I decided I was pretty much done with the swimming team. So I came up with a trick to get out of practice. I'd swim a few laps, and then I'd ask the coach if I could use the bathroom. Then I'd just hide out in the locker room until practice was over. The only problem with my plan was that it was something like forty degrees in the boys' bathroom. So it was even colder in there than it was in the pool.
I had to wrap myself up in toilet paper so I didn't get hypothermia.
That's how I spent a pretty big chunk of my summer vacation. And that's why I'm actually looking forward to going back to school tomorrow. Tuesday When I got to school today, everybody was acting all strange around me, and at first I didn't know what was up.
Then I remembered: I still had the "Cheese Touch" from last year. I got the Cheese Touch in the last week of school, and over the summer I completely forgot about it. The problem with the Cheese Touch is that you've got it until you can pass it on to someone else. But nobody would even get within thirty feet of me, so I knew I was gonna be stuck with the Cheese Touch for the whole year. Luckily, there was a new kid named Jeremy Pindle in homeroom, so that took care of THAT problem.
My first class was Pre-Algebra, and the teacher put me right next to Alex Aruda, the smartest kid in the whole class. (The End) Stay tuned for part 3 And it'd also be good if you left a vote before leaving, I'll appreciate it Goodbye!
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