Fledgling: Part 20

in Freewriters3 months ago

Greetings Readers

I am about to go away on holiday for a few days, so enjoy today's update and be on the look out for the scheduled Friday update.

The woman immediately bowed and left the room while the other started gathering the mess left behind in treating Saita.

“Come, it won’t be long. I see we have a lot to talk about.”

Exhaustion descended on Saita and all she could do was comply and follow the queen. It had been some time since she had felt compelled to follow orders. Luckily, she didn’t have to follow too long.

They waited in silence for a vehicle to take them to the castle, one that Saita hadn’t seen the last time she had been here. She couldn’t help but look at the queen and see her beaming with pride. This was her castle, one she had built and now ruled from.

Once they reached the castle, castle staff listened to the queen’s orders and led the two of them to a private room. The queen sat down gratefully and said to a servant.

“Jasmine tea, please.” Then she paused and looked at Saita, “Jasmine is still your favourite, right?”


“And something to eat.” She finished.

The servant bowed and left the room, closing the door behind them. It didn’t take long for Saita to realise that she had interrupted something when she heard the castle guard calling out to their queen.

“We can talk later if…”

“The kings can handle it. I told them that much when I sensed you.”

Saita wasn’t sure she had heard right at first, but before she could query it, the answer came in the form of a knock.


Saita shook when she heard the name, as did the Fell Dragon within her, the queen lifted her head and said, “I’m surprised both of you didn’t come looking for me.”

A voice answered from the other side of the door, “Astin stayed back to deal with the fallout of you disappearing. Are you alright?”

“I am fine, as is our guest. You can come see your handiwork for yourself if you like.” The queen, going by a new name, grinned.

The door opened and in walked one of the twins. Saita could feel her heart break a little more. Astec had remained one of her most loyal friends up until he too lost his fight with age, leaving her alone. This twin, if she remembered correctly, was Kartec. He wore a similar crown to the queen but was made of gold. He warily looked at Saita and recognition rippled across his face.

She raised her right arm and waved, “Never as much gave me a twinge of pain in all the years since you installed it. Wish the same could be said for my left leg.”

Without a second thought, the twin knelt beside her and gripped her calf hard, while the other hand went to her knee. Startled, Saita almost kicked the man.

“I dislike mostly mechanic models, but it’s likely this is all they had when you lost your leg. You’re replacing this, what? Every five years? More?”

“At this point every ten years. Technology has caught up, but no one in my time was as brilliant as you and your brother.”

Without looking at her, Kartec then said, “You’ve had several replacements, yet you don’t look much older than Kay there.”

Saita sighed, “Almost 250.”

The queen sighed heavily and then stated once more, “I really didn’t save you from a worse fate than I had.”

“I made the choice. You gave me every opportunity to change my fate and while I did, whether it was worse or not, that’s open for interpretation.”

Kartec got to his feet and looked Saita in the eye, “If you have the time, I’d like to offer you an opportunity to fix this with a more permanent model. Very much like your arm. With an intact knee, it will be easier for me to do so. However, for now, I must assist my brother.”

He then turned to walk out of the room but paused next to the queen, as if debating his next move. Kay turned her head ever so slightly and the twin bent down to kiss the side of her head before leaving the room. Saita sat for a while before the curiosity finally got the better of her.

She remembered this time vividly. Her father had just been murdered and she had somehow jumped through time. She also seemed to remember that the queen and the twins weren’t on the best of terms, but this interaction wasn’t what Saita had expected. It felt like they had not only made peace, but it had grown into a romance. She couldn’t help but ask, “Father of your baby?”

“Father of the second baby. His brother is the father of this one.” Kay poked at her extending gut.

Saita already knew that Aidan was the first child but was confused as to the arrangement.

They’re a family unit.

The whisper in her mind was then confirmed by Kay a few seconds later. Saita had to fight hard not to smile at the revelation. She remembered the pain of the queen. She had watched her tell Doran her past, saw and felt emotions that were alien to her, but she was sympathetic. While the idea of a family unit was odd to her, Saita was sure there was a story to be heard.

The queen took Saita’s odd grin to mean that she wanted to know more, and so she indulged the time traveller.

A family unit must get quite interesting with the pass the queen and the twins had.

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, Book 7 here, and Book 8 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Part 19>>You are Here>>Part 21
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