"hit pause" taken from @daily.prompt's postHello Hive. 😃 I'm back again with another @drabble.club microfiction, that is #zapfic100, inspired by the prompt
If you will like to write microfiction in 100 words, feel free to give this challenge a try.
Roland groaned at the cacophony of deafening chatter that filled their two-bedroom apartment. He exchanged looks with his wife, Lara, who shrugged and smiled emphatically.
They watched their first two kids argue over a box of Legos, one of them shouting for the parents to intervene. Their youngest, a toddler, finished her snacks and began to cry.
"What if the stick shows a plus?" Roland asked. Lara shook her head. "I hope it doesn't."
She dried the stick and they gazed at it. Negative.
A deep sigh of relief and Lara mumbled, "Let's hit pause on baby making, please!"
Thanks for reading!