Basement apartment or portal to hell?

in Freewriterslast year (edited)

Hey Peeps.

Speaking of omens and creepy stuff, I wasn't sure if I wanted to dive deep in these memories and that's the scratchy-scratchy demon that leaves the 3 lined burn mark calling card aka the witches mark. This experience was pretty terrifying. I was thinking about than changed my mind. God uses my one favorite Ri-Ri song as an omen or synchronicity and it came on and was compelled to listen and sing along to it 3 times total, the I continued to mess around and delay, while picking up a couple of satoshi breadcrumbs viewing ptc adds, oddly enough a scripture type add thing showed up. The first audio clip was Matthew 2 and right below was the Gadarene pig (it will be separate posts tho) so I guess I have to share these story too... You'll see how this fits in if you chose to follow along. Omens aka synchronicities I tell you. Carl Jung has a good expose on the concept in case it's a newer term for you and would like to learn.


This story here, it probably still fucks with me today, Lilith aka Bloody Mary was a walk in the park on a Sunday afternoon compared to this one, it felt like the Amityville Horror, except I experienced it before watching the movie so when I watched it the first time, I freaked out...I freaked out hard. I have been able to watch the full movie by now but it took me a few tries. Let me tell you, there isn't any scary movie I can't watch after this.

I was probably around 15 or 16, right after my mom kicked me out. I was couch surfing from friend to friend if I could, other nights I had to sleep on the street depended on the day. Some in my circle of friends asked their parents if I could stay there a little while more permanently like a few months rather than a few nights and they said yes. We all got along well before, had known each other for years, friends in common everything was good. While we stayed under the family home, same we all shared the small but lively space very well and operating as a unit, relative or friend. This is important information to keep notes on for later.

After a few months, 3 of us were close to the same age. The 2 daughters and a son (so 3 siblings). I hung out with and one of the sister's boyfriend too. My close friend at the time was dating their cousin, I knew her since I was probably 10 yrs old. You see, we all knew each other very well. One of the sisters and her boyfriend, 3 of us decided to get an apartment together because yes the house was always crowded and being teens, we wanted our freedom. In my case, well I didn't have a choice but to figure shit out on my own compared to their quest for more personal space from their parents, the reason is irrelevant, we were all seeking the same thing in one form or another. The rest of the crew, well it was a place to hang out and do things their parents frowned upon like getting drunk, smoke cigarettes, staying up late and stuff like know normal teenager experiences, learning to make our own decisions and the consequences attached to them. We couldn't afford a tv but it didn't matter, the place was always full of teenage kids.

Doubtful anyone from my hometown will ever read this but you never know haha, just in case, it was the apartment behind the Pointe-A-La-Croix, Qc Provigo (a popular Quebec supermarket chain). I didn't know at the time being new in town, it was already notorious and had quite the nasty reputation, I wish I had known that before I lived there...OMG. The apartment was nothing to write home about. It was in a basement, dark and dingy with barely any windows, just a few tiny ones here and there. Outdated everything, old painted over wood paneling walls from the 70's combined with dark orangy shaggy carpet to match the dreadful looking walls.

It looked like a piece of unkept slumb lord trash but it was cheap. Worked for us, we were poor and could somewhat afford It was a one bedroom, the two of them would use the bedroom and I would use a pull-out couch in the living room. I had no belongings besides a few change of clothes having been homeless before, I didn't care much about having my own space in that regards since my entire life fit in a backpack anyway.

Like any proud teenager, our first nigh, we had our own little welcome bash with friends, obviously beer was involved. We all had a good time, many crashed on the floor because they couldn't go back home to their parents drunk and avoid getting in trouble with their parents. We all came from Catholic families so a common practice is to hang a crucifix on top of every doorway to bless the home and we did such after our blasphemy of the night before, it made the walls less bland anyway since we could afford decorations or a tv. Our way to repent in our minds. and the weird way we think.

First couple of nights were ok, nothing too weird. A few anomalies but we all assumed it was us finding our groove in living together combined with the noise with sharing a multiple dwelling complex. Things like leaving the utensil drawer or a cupboard door open, or the odd 1 second light flick, loud bangs or knocking sounds. We lived in the basement and there were apartments upstairs, loud bangs and other sounds were to be expected. We would randomly hear knocks' to the apartment door but nobody would be there when we answered.

One night during our first week living there, one of our roommates came to give us girls grief in the living room, he kept trying to set-up his relaxa-space in their bedroom and had lit some candles. Every time he left the room to do something, he would come back to them blown out and out have to relite them. After a few times, he became irritated. We were no stranger to play weird funny pranks of that sort on him so normal that we would be the first to be suspect of a good troll job. We both just laughed and brushed it off. WTF is he talking about LMFAO since neither one of us had left the living room and nobody else but the 3 of us were there.

This happened a few nights in a row and he became aggravated to the point of getting a little aggressive about it although wasn't his normal style or personality. "Chill the fuck out sista, we haven't blown out your stupid candles once since we have lived here, quit being such a chick" we both said with one voice completely laughing at him like the first time he addressed us about the issue. He responded to bull fucking shit. He went back to the room and relit them, they then instantly blew out in front of his face. He was stumped and called us in to the room. "Sorry for yelling at you guys, I just saw them blow out on their own, wtf." We naturally called him paranoid. Maybe there was a draft or as he was walking by, some other silly perfectly human reason behind the odd supernatural looking occurrence.

We stayed to watch him relite them, like he said...we saw it too this time. The 3 candles blew out all at once again and again every time. We did get a little freaked out but didn't jump to conclusions. Over the next few days of our first week, the noise, knocking and everything was getting more frequent and harder to ignore. Now instead on one flicker of the kitchen light, it was multiple and more often. The odd cupboard door or drawer became all of them. We would close them all and the next time we would go to the kitchen, they would be all open again, no matter how many times one of us would close them. It was a real annoyance but still trying not to get freaked out and cracked jokes about it. We were beginning to squabble a lot, all of us...more and more everyday. Was it a result of us living together in a small space? No we had already been living together with even more people than that and never fought amongst ourselves.

Every night, like proper unsupervised teenagers would do, our friends would come over and we would listen to the latest tunes, drink some beers and smoke cigarettes. The humor and jokes were getting darker and darker, to the point where all of the jokes said by anyone especially the males were pretty crass, gross and insulting, down right rude and hurtful...also outside of their character, we had been hanging out for years after all, none of them were strangers. To add to their odd behavior, all of them independently turned really lusty and forceful towards me when I was alone with any of them in the apartment, luckily, with the amount of frequent friends dropping by, the term saved by the bell would often apply.

I know I was cute-ish enough, it wasn't in the realm of impossibility that it was a simple case of "boys will be boys" and easily dismissed the issue and just kept my boundaries body wise. We often found ourselves picking up the random crucifix from the floor and hang them back up since they had a tendency to fall off the nail it was hung on for some reason. We dismissed it and cracked more demon jokes about it. Like somehow creepy dead ghost lady of my childhood had taught me nothing about the existence of the supernatural dark forces.

I blame it on perhaps one of the results of social and religious conditioning, our human tendency to dismiss things we don't understand to be incapable of existing. A lot of it came from repressed memories too since I didn't understand much of what was happening to me and the quick successions of the happenings that kept shattering my life over and over, all I could do was just observe what was and try to understand it. By then, things somehow rolled off my back pretty quickly since I had spent my entire childhood on fight or flight mode already.

That's one of the reason my brain is fucked and thinks weirdly, I had mostly adrenaline filled veins every day for my ENTIRE CHILDHOOD from the fear generated by the stressful abusive conditions at home with my parents I was trying to survive along with having to figure logistical adult things on the fly after my mom kicked me out of the family home. Like personality disassociation as a coping mechanism when things were too much for my mind, like I wasn't there while the worst things happened, hence the blue dream room where I study esoteric concepts I will choose to study in my conscious hours. (Escapism, when your brain can't handle your reality and it fragments the mind aka PTSD while going thru something that would be to traumatic to experience consciously).

Writing helps me remember as I pull on one string at a time. Writing is a form of meditation for me much like Carl young did his self hypnosis and journaling that became "The Red Book". I wish I would have taken more notes of the paranormal things I have encountered over my 40 years alive like he did. Much of it dismissed until I go back smarter and go huh...well fuck. Maybe that's why I feel compelled to share about it now. Besides, people seem to be into this kind of stuff these days. Not why I'm sharing tho. Maybe it can be a guide to someone else someday. Anyhow, no time like the present.

Lol, as I try to write this, my mild dyslexia is worse tonight and it keeps going off topic, another way that demon fucks with people with his unseen influence, trying to overshadow things along with making things more clumsy and difficult than they should be. Once you get scratched by him, you are marked for life even after it's healed, it's like a brand. He marks the parts he wants and once you are marked, he can influence or find you. A demon attachment it would be called. He also is a land and bloodline demon. Where you find Lilith, you normally find him too as he tries to court her and follows her everywhere, where there is blood, there is chaos...aka Asmodieus (King Solomon's bloodline demon, the same one that posseted king Herod that push Mary to flee and give birth in a barn, refer to Mathew 2). Why it's important to stay mentally sharp at all times because complacency, clumsiness and lack of self awareness is his signature and he uses that to make people hurt others in what would seem to most humans as a "freak accident". Don't worry, this story gets more sinister than freak me!

Back to my lovely demon infested apartment of the damned and I was about to experience full force, quiet evening, we were cleaning up after dinner tag-teaming the dishes as we had always done and suddenly, the lights started to flicker repeatedly and all of the cupboard doors and drawers opened all at once accompanied by a loud crash sound. We were fostering two cats from one of the older cousins while she found an apartment where she could bring them in, she didn't want them to be in the chaos of moving. One was all black and the other was white and grey fluffy. Both were in the kitchen running round and round after their own tails hissing and the crucifix above the Livingroom doorway fell on the floor. All of this happened in one fell swoop.

All three of us obviously ran out of there. What the hell!!! In the MOST LITTERAL SENSE POSSIBLE. Despite being the new kids in the block, we had formed good relationships and first impressions with the neighbors upstairs. We asked them if they had seen or experienced anything unusual, they said no. The we asked if they had dropped something or heard a loud bang, once again...nope. We explained to them what we had just experienced and their faces turned white.

Not a chance in hell we were spending the night there. This was still just week 1. OMG. Luckily Willy's mom lived a short 15 minute walk away and we didn't even have to discuss the strategy at hand, we were already on board and running in that direction. Our plan was to gather our thoughts there, calm down and strategize. We talked about it with his mom because she also a strong Catholic, surely she could point us in the right direction at least. She blamed it on the black cat but this stuff was already happening before the cat got there and was escalading everyday.

We huddled up the 3 of us to sleep on the couch for the night with the hopes to visit the nearest priest at a Catholic church for a conversation. He didn't take us seriously and we were pretty vexed because we had dismissed it long enough ourselves, we knew it was real. We saw it all with our own eyes simultaneously after all, it's really hard to unsee. We kept applying pressure and wouldn't leave without a solution. He gave us a bible, a blessed crucifix and a few squirt bottle full of holy water and instructed us to do it in the afternoon and loudly say The Lord's Prayer over and over while commanding it to get out while spraying Holy water on the surfaces that had displayed activity between each prayers while holding a crucifix and a bible all 3 of us until all 3 bottles were used.

Sounds legit, we have watched a few weird movies, looked like how they did it. Nothing to it. Right...So young...So naïve. We were all excited to reclaim our apartment along with feeling like a newly formed possie of religious white knights in shining armor ready for a sure victory against the kingdom of darkness where we could live peacefully ever after, we were so confident in our armor of God. The 3 Musketeers indeed...LMFAO...Dumbasses.

It was afternoon broad daylight, we made sure all the curtains were open and the sunlight was coming in everywhere like we were instructed. Naturally, we started in the kitchen where most of the activity was experienced. We each held the bible as we loudly read the first prayer together and the activity immediately started. The priest told us it would happen, don't get scared and keep going while spraying what is reacting. So we did. The crucifixes started to violently shake on the walls where they were hung, cupboards were crashing open and shut, cats were going nuts, chills were running thru our bodies, we could hear a high frequency pitch like a loud ringing in the ear type thing that was getting louder and louder but we kept reading and spraying nonetheless.

During our prayers, the bottle of Holy water that was being used randomly flew out of Willy's hands and went slamming on the wall and all the crucifixes fell down to the floor in one fell swoop. His jaw fucking dropped while he looked at his empty hand in confusion, fair to say our hearts skipped a beat red then and there. We probably all turned whiter than the ghostly lady. OMG. We didn't let it stop us. obviously we had it cornered so he went to pick up the bottle of holy water and we kept going, spraying praying and commanding to leave like the Three Holy Musketeers we thought we were.

Each thing that moved on it's own, we sprayed the fuck out of it. When in doubt...SPRAY, do it twice just to make sure. With each prayer, it was becoming less and less, we were getting more confident in our demonologist abilities with each prayer. Finally on the last one, we were getting worried as we were running out of Holy water, we used all 3 and down to our last squirt. Thankfully, as we used them all up, we heard a loud bang then suddenly the heavy feeling had been lifted and we felt an instant sense of lightness as some unseen energy broke and we all instantly collapsed to our knees with a sigh of relief, feeling like we had just been graced with God's mercy, we could almost hear the angels sing in our heads as we all closed our eyes and basked in the sunlight that was coming thru the kitchen window.

As a tip, the more difficult it is to get the prayer out, like scratchy throat or chocking feeling, difficulty reading or pronouncing words, you know it's demonic. They will try to energetically stop you from speaking clearly, especially this one. The more you continue, the more you say it, the stronger and clearer it becomes. Once you can say it loudly and proudly 3 consecutive times without difficulty, once for each of the members of the Holy Trinity. If my grandma taught me anything, throw in a few extra by the hundreds for good juju just in case...Never know. I mean, I did get a Magical demon repelling glow in the dark self-charging Mary out of it somehow. At this, point not much seemed impossible.

We sat and smoked a cigarette of relief after what we just saw and went thru in silence. It felt peaceful, we hadn't felt that since the first day we moved in. Felt good. We tag teamed the clean up, using clean fresh towels to make sure all the Holy Water mess all over the kitchen and rubbed all the excess we were picking up on the walls and other surfaces around the house and other rooms, we didn't waste a drop of it, we literally washed the house with it. We picked up the crucifixes and hung them back on top of the doorways.

We weren't feeling much like having visitors after our ordeal and decided to not have friends over that night and just relaxed. We all lightheartedly went to sleep in our respective places until morning. We woke up and all hugged in amazement the we were indeed exorcist-extraordinaire and it had indeed worked. It was stable for a few days and life went on...Until...

One evening, the couple went to her parents for dinner and I decided to hang back and take a nap, we were anticipating having friends over for a few drinks later after they were done, it had been a few days since we had guests and things still seemed to be pretty demon free. I didn't undo the couch into a bed, I just spread a blanket on the floor and took a nap there, I don't mind sleeping on hard surfaces, I actually can sleep quite well on the floor even at 40. I actually do that when I'm sick and ache everywhere and can't sleep in my bed.

I left the door unlocked because most of us back didn't lock our doors ever and I knew people were coming sooner rather than later, saved them from being locked out if I didn't hear them. I left all the lights on, for obvious reasons, I was a little afraid of sleeping alone in the dark in the apartment so I always left the light on for good measure.

I was sleeping peacefully, then suddenly mid sleep something pulled my head up off the floor by the hair and I had a large kitchen knife to my throat before I had a chance to realize what was happening, the brother of the girl roommate kneeled in front of me with another large kitchen knife with the tip against my jugular. The one behind me with the blade across my throat was his cousin. I knew them both really, well. It was not like them at all to behave such a way and spent a lot of time alone with them before, enough that I would go to them if I felt unsafe about anything.

They were both putting enough pressure on it for a small cut and draw blood. And were saying really fucked up things, the one who's face I was staring at, I could see in his eyes, they were not the same, they were completely black, all the brown color had disappeared. They were threatening to rape me and if I tried to fight them they were going to fuck me to pieces. Then one of said fuck it, lets fuck her to pieces anyway no one is going to miss that bitch anyway.

By a stroke a luck, as soon as those words came out of their mouths, others started to show up right as they were trying to pull my pants down. I saw a weird shadow I hadn't noticed before leave them and their eyes turned back to their normal brown and they backed off. Obviously they got caught in the act and saw blood slowly dripping from my throat, there was some questions asked by the others that had just showed up, they said they were just playing a prank and trying to scare me. Everyone went with it and I was too shook to process what had just happened.

I was obviously quiet during the group hangout sesh that night, there was no activity and everyone else was having a good time. Then one of our goth friends made a the rude ironic comment of "Well you're real fun at parties aren't you" and he had a weird smirk and the same eye thing again I saw in the others earlier, gave me the chills, then gave us kudos of our innovative home décor with upside down crucifixes, all of them. After our now obvious FAILED attempt at cleansing our apartment, we had added the cross the priest gave us as the wall centerpiece we all stared at when we sat on the couch, that was the first one to be noticed upside down.

After we looked at it, our heart sank and the 3 of us were like, don't even joke about that man. We went and all the others were the same. Jeepers Creepers. We have angered that demon thing. We cleared everyone out and left for our refuge and reconvene. We spent the 3 of us huddled up on the couch again. It was uncomfortable to sleep that way but less so than the demon infested apartment from hell.

We went back the next day, things were quiet in the sunlight, every evening after the darkness, the same activity we experienced before was starting to come back and we were all starting to consistently squabble over nothing all the time like we couldn't stand each other. Every time I would take a daytime nap on the couch I would wake up with the same triple line demon burn every time, it would just show up somewhere else on my body. We tried to stick it out during the day and then make excuses to either go to her parents or his moms for the night and just avoid being there during the "hot" hours altogether.

They eventually got annoyed with us since they were trying to encourage us to stay in our apartment and fly and that our "demon problem" was the subject of our vivid imaginations combined with jitters being away from home for the first time. One evening, we were all hanging out at Willy's mom playing cards and drinking. There was laundry to be done and we had things set up in garbage bags already, he was waiting for his mom's friend to come pick him up at the apartment and load them in the truck and like any chore, we would all pitch in together and git'er done.

They come back, both looking weird and ghostly and weren't saying much. I looked at them suspiciously and asked, what happened? Nothing the older man replied. No...What happened? Tell me now. He said, "I'm sorry I opened the door and Blacky ran out as soon as I opened the door and I tried to run after him and chased him all the way to the Rez and gave up after I saw I couldn't catch him". (black cat we were temporarily fostering obviously) I glanced at my roommate and he looked down but didn't say anything. He normally wouldn't lie to me and I know for a fact he loved that cat and it was his cousin's so I let it go.

We start doing our laundry, then the younger sister that still lived with her parents at the time comes bursting in with a face full of tear. DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! HE'S FULL OF LIES...HE THREW THE CAT OFF THE BRIDGE! Even tho she was a few years younger, her and I were thick as thieves and she used to walk across the bridge that connects NB and QC to come visit me. She intercepted him getting out of the truck and throwing the cat unto the ice from the top of the bridge. It was right after the icebreaker had come so the river was full of large jagged ice chunks clustered together.

I looked at him and he admitted to it after being outed, I followed her to the site to see if we could figure out, where he was or if we could save him. We ran there, I never ran so fast in my life. Once we got close, I yelled out his name and waited, I heard him answer back, I had a glimmer of hope. I kept with it until I got closer and closer as his desperate cries got louder. I tried to see but it was dark especially trying to look in the large cracks in the ice that was broken up 40 feet below. I kept calling, suddenly nothing. No more meows back. I tried again and again. My heart sank. I knew, I felt it. We both collapsed on the sidewalk in each other's arms and sobbed especially he probably died slowly in pain for at least a half hour. A cop drove by and asked if everything was ok given the strange scene in the middle of a bridge. We explained the situation that someone stole him from my apartment and threw him off, they laughed and said it was just a cat and drove away. That broke my heart even more but what could I do. I was in the right but they weren't in the wrong either.

Naturally, that was more than enough for us to just call it a day on the apartment from hell, our independence just wasn't worth that much. They went back to her parents and her Aunt and Uncle offered me a place to stay in exchange for free nanny services as she needed help with her youngest daughter that I used to often babysit, she was needy and while there wasn't enough income in the house and my presence would allow her to go back to work part time and help out, we ended up sharing a room too. I was thankful, I had known them a while and always liked them.

It was good at first but her husband and his friend would like to drink and do cocaine a few times per week. His friend was one of our friend's dad that used to hang out with us in Satan's apartment we never wanted to speak of again, also someone I was familiar and comfortable with at the time. After a few weeks, he started saying some really gross sexual things with talks of coming to visit me in my room, he didn't care that the 10 year old girl was sleeping next to me, mind you I was 16 and he was in his 30's, in no way acceptable.

I started sleeping with a large cast iron frying pan next to me and with that familiar dark look in his eyes when he spoke to me so lustfully, I knew he meant it and it was just a matter of time. Gross. Alcohol and cocaine was an Asmodius special and I have learned to know and recognized that after him. I knew I wasn't going to get rid of this thing. As I suspected, one unfaithful happened, he sneaked into the bedroom in the middle of the night, got on top of me with a kitchen knife to my throat while trying to spread my legs. I reached for the frying pan and smacked him on the head as hard as I could. He was stunned, shook his head said "you bitch" and left to go back down stairs.

The next morning, everyone wanted to know why he had a bag of ice and a big old lump on his head. He said, "that horney slut lured me in the room to fuck and then she attacked me like a fucking maniac". They all believed him and joined and threw me out for being a gross slut and wanted to make sure I knew it was the reason despite me being a minor and him a clear pedophile with intent. I was devastated and homeless again after just about getting raped by a demon possessed human. After I moved out, that creep was stalking me all over town, outside my home staring from the sidewalk, showing up at my workplace with his creepy side smirk..."Remember me?". By the same demon wearing him as a skin.

Why was that thing following me? Stalking me? No matter how much I moved around or changed jobs, he would find me again, only interacting and making himself known when I was alone. I had to walk home from work alone at night with him following me because I couldn't afford a cab. How the fuck do I get away from a murderous rape demon that shapeshifts from people to people from one end of the country to another, he is everywhere like a plague. That is the 3 headed one that can embody 3 males at the exact same time and triangulate the victim. As you saw with the apartment, gang rape is very much a possibility. He has a certain hypnotizing effects that can cloak things to make them appear invisible to others.

Hence the constant feeling of being unseen and unheard, devalued without a chance. I don't know how else to describe it. If you often find yourself constantly looking for stuff knowing where you left it yet you can't find it even if you look there 5 times. Get frustrated and come back for it to be right where you knew you left it over and over again until it makes you crazy. I do my best to cope but it's super annoying nonetheless.

Knowing what I know now, was the apartment of the damned my first encounter with him? Thinking back, I think not. Since I grew up in Lilith infested land and the two seem to go hand in hand, my step dad had a real bad temper problem throwing things at the walls and punching thru them along with hanging out with the criminally insane as their guard at the provincial mental hospital. Sound familiar? Holy water bottle randomly flying at the wall anyone? Sometimes he was loving, sometimes he was pretty monstrous, especially when he came back from work and my mom would fill him with lies on how I pissed her off with simply existing.

He would pick me up by the throat and slam me against the wall, punch holes next to my face until I would piss myself, then get worse because of the soil. As far as I can remember, this was the case at least since I was 7 for sure. Yup, a grown man against a 7 yr old. Our last phone convo, he was laughing about it and how strong of a little fucker I was kicking and screaming, made him so mad that he forgot what made him mad in the first place. Dude, you couldn't remember because there was absolutely no reason. Mic drop. Everyone knew about the abuse but nobody cared because I was the adopted bastard child to them. My mom too. It's how they constantly referred to me rather than my name.

To this day, they stick to the "I was the problem and a rotten kid" lie as to why I was removed from my home and all the other stuff including the probable conservatorship they might have on my inheritance when my grampa died on my mom's side. Since the rest of my family out here thinks I seem to have lots of money. The chaos they cause me without reason isn't worth trying to get to the bottom of it. I know I have done well in life but not that well. Enough to survive and have some savings but rich? I wish. Everyone believes them and their lies. I had to go without my grandmother with the magic Mary capabilities because she went along with it all. Self preservation. It broke my heart just the same.

There is no way she can ever understand the dynamics. I just figured if I just go away and disappear from everyone at all, it was probably my best bet. It's not like they care anyway. I got better things to do than constantly fight and argue for no reason or else be the doormat and get walked all over. The whole family was like that. Chaos...Chaos...Chaos. Both the concept and the demon...The same one. Oh dear.

My grandma called me one day to go to a bar with a family connection and that I was to be interviewed for a job. Being in college trying to earn my high school diploma since my rough teenage years, I had to quit. Long story short, I ended up spoon fed to a Hell's Angel run bar full of cocaine. Uh oh, they got Grandma too! For those outside of Canada, it's an organized gang biker club. OMG. I almost ended being trafficked as a stripper form Montreal to Nova-Scotia. One of my friends that was part of our friend group ended up there. She always liked it but there nonetheless. They were trying real hard to add me to that roster.

While I was trying to figure out an escape from grandma and grampa's unintentional blunder, I was approached by an interesting modeling offer and I almost took it. After a last minute location change, from Montreal to San Diego, I got suspicious and changed my mind and never really thought about it until much later. Naturally, trying to understand and get over my own experiences yet not really being to talk about them, I just stuffed it all down. I started to come across a series of testimonies about girls that had been duped with a similar story and dynamics. One after another...those were just the ones that survived. Canadian version of "Jeffery Epstein" type sicko with a high profile fashion empire along with many equally powerful political affiliations to match. Fashion mogul Peter Nygaard. Funny, more human trafficking.

I now suspect it's that same demon, he seems to be present around human trafficking operations, drugs, guns other, rape whatever he wants. He take whatever body is a bit week and self indulgent or under the influence and do what he wants, especially those who participate in secret societies. He can even do that with well intentioned people and influence them to be clumsy to a deadly point and cause deadly accident or injuries. Perhaps someone from these secret societies sending him via spell work. I have noticed his influence around the men around me during moon cycles increase along with other oddities.

Anyway, this is relevant because recently, the last few years, there has been many odd interferences that brought me well...Chaos. Un-necessary Chaos. And after, the people don't seem to remember...strange. I lost my memory during covid. Back on track with an important observation. After finding the testimonies of the Nygaard and Epstein human trafficking circles, I prayed and hope for the deliverance of their victims both alive and perished, hope that they could some day have justice over and over and have been for every human trafficking victims release. With that being said, Epstein came to light...Then now just recently, Peter Nygaard was proven and found guilty of forceful sexual crimes on many victims. They were just a drop in the bucket but he's now behind bars so it's a win.

Naturally, I was happy about substantial news of the sort and indulged in the press conference outside of the court room, even disgraced by his own son on national, thank you God. I celebrated the victory for the increased safety of women at that moment and his victims getting justice. I lit my 4 lotus candles and as a special occasion, I lit my kitty's candle. Magic's candle. She was black...I sense a demon troll theme. When I had to put her down this summer for a chest lump that turned out to be a kitty form of breast cancer that quickly took over her lungs until I put her down, the cremation company had made a jarred white candle with her name printed on it to burn in remembrance.

Suddenly, the candle started to flicker and it was the only one doing that. When I observed it and talked to it as in demon I see you in the name of Archangel Mikael, get out of my house at once, it would stop and be normal again. I would look away and it would start again. I took that for a while to see if it was a fluke or if the flame would stop and be normal as long as I looked at it. Every time without fault. So I got up, blew out the candle out and told him to get fucked and go back to hell where he belongs. Naturally, mr scratchy-scratchy was not pleased with my boldness along with my pleasure in the official human dismantlement of one of his large scale human trafficking / sexual predator assets. Noticing the oddity, I tripled up on my Psalm 91 and went to bed.

Been a while since I woke up with the 3 scratches. Maybe I hit a sore spot with the self perceived invisibility. Actually, they weren't there when I woke up. I went to the bathroom and while washing my hands and saw a huge red spot that looked like some form of allergic reaction? /an hour later, it felt like it was on fire and getting hotter, I went to look in the mirror and the red circle was now the 3 distinct lines. As soon as the wheels started to turn, my attention was taken by that new woodpecker that I saw for the first time and was able to photograph and was distracted from what had just shown up on my neck. To think of it, exactly where that knife was pointed at digging in my skin. It's healed now but it's still itchy and burning especially now that I'm writing about him and exposing him and what he influences. Perhaps I'm on the right track. For sure he wants my voice silenced and invisible. The 4 houses that burned down a few months back. Ready to bet it was that demon's influence as well.

I remembered the night before, I was reading a book on a Native American Shaman surrounding his relations and nature's omens and I had put the book down and gone to bed right after. I went back and re-read it. I didn't really remember what it said. After I checked long story short, that good things were on the way. Strange synchronicity to take note of. Perhaps the end of Chaos? For eternity? /will God and Archangel blow his candle out? I hope.

Other weird occurrence to take note here, Covid pneumonia left me with major lung difficulties for a few months making my regularly strenuous and physical work difficult. I always loved Audioslave since they came out and often found myself singing myself to sleep with it every night while I worked at the cocaine infested club. I was somehow magically safe tho despite being around so much fucked-uppery. I never really thought about it until one day, I was already aware of the bad juju being sent to me consistently so I felt compelled to sing and it helped with rebuilding my lungs as long as I took it easy. Last thing on my mind was that covid may have been a special gift from Chaos. Makes sense now tho.

One of my favorite song is "LIKE A STONE", I sang it over and over again on repeat just because it had been so long, maybe I was just compelled to do so. Chris Cornell died some time ago with what was announced as a suicide. Here where it gets a little weird. Suddenly I got up, fell to my knees and started chocking because of the lung damage, this was at least 9 months after I got sick. I put my hands to my throat and kept repeating "They are silencing me over and over and over". After 10 minutes, the episode passed and everything felt light and calm again. suddenly, I could breath like covid never happened. Just like that, no problems ever again. here are part of the lyrics for the song, this was random and it took me a bit to make this connection too.

And on my deathbed I will pray
To the gods and the angels
Like a pagan to anyone
Who will take me to heaven
To a place I recall
I was there so long ago
The sky was bruised
The wine was bled
And there you led me on

A little later in the song

And on I read
Until the day was gone
And I sat in regret
Of all the things I've done
For all that I've blessed
And all that I've wronged
In dreams until my death
I will wander on

Chris Cornell and his friend Chester were working on a documentary to expose human trafficking of children within Hollywood, you know, the rest of the Epstein club every one has quickly forgotten about when they both had the same suicide close together. I haven't forgotten tho. Perhaps he knew we were on the same side and that the gift of his lung capacity would help heal my voice, the one the same demon that took his tried to take for trying to expose the truth to the world. I'm honored to be the pagan that helped him get to heaven. Claim both of our voice back from Chaos along with everyone else you were trying to speak for that cost you you're life, I hope you had your buddy Chester with you. RIP

Twice in one year, one month apart, I almost accidently died twice because of clumsy carelessness and arguing with common sense ideas that were meant to keep us both safe from things with my partner and what I think was potentially a heart attack that was meant to take me out but God stayed with me the whole time and talked to me in September, just a few months later. Covid, everyone who got sick or died, collecting souls...I blame the demon Chaos too along with Legion, aka "matrix", the Gadarene pig demon (media talking heads repeating the same weird exact word for word message across news stations). The third time, I felt like I was having a heart attack in the Rockies in the middle of nowhere. Covid left me with a lot of frequent chest pains after.

I noticed a lot of strangeness in my partner since covid as well, out of distraction, do things that bring harm to me by accident over and over. One night I was sleeping, he was drinking a few beers and listening to Highway to Hell from ACDC since it's his favorite song of all time. After 4 beers, he came upstairs to shut her down for the night. Simultaneously I woke up out of nowhere with this weird stale alcohol taste in my mouth. I felt compelled to get up and go downstairs and I found him fallen to the floor passed out with his head thru a wall. I kinda freaked and tried to wake him up, when he came too he seemed confused but I deemed it normal since we was drinking and his head just went thru a wall. I tried to go upstairs to bed but I made him sit there and wait, almost as fast he started throwing up. If I hadn't woken up, he would have died drunk chocking on his own vomit with his head thru the wall. Chaos demon troll or influence/attachment?

This wasn't the only occurrence, a few months ago again at a boxing event a handful of drinks and he was behaving like he was completely dazed and confused and tried to drink and drive and convince me he was ok to drive, unlikely of him, generally responsible and we took a cab because he really wasn't. When his mother visited, chaos literally erupted and my life became impossible that I had to get away. Funny, he was over there for the holidays because he works out of province. The next day after he left, he had a cold and a broken tooth. Coincidence? The day after I wrote the Lilith post. Last Christmas, he ended up with 8% of his body burned, mostly on his leg from a battery exploding in his pocket, he had 9 months off and required skin graft surgery.

Chaos is all over work too, it's annoying. this spring, I noticed someone I had a negative experience with getting in my face and yelling loudly trying to intimidate me in the past but I let it go, and just rolled with it see where it goes. He started off nice, then found out I was from NB and he said he has relatives and listed their last names. Stranger than fiction from across the country, he listed 2 family names that was both me and my partner's mother's maiden names and listed ancestors in common on both side including Beyoncé after our ancestors started migrating to the US, to know that, you really have to dig deep or to know by family affiliations... What the fuck. That was oddly way too specific.

His behavior quickly changed over time during the job. started saying weird little things that bothered me that nobody should even know does he know? Later, he injured my finger by "accident" it took 2 months for it to heal, at the end of the job, his friend tried to save him from getting layer off but I had priority over him and I stayed for the extra work at the very end. The friend that was fighting for him took care of the other hand. it happened on the last day of work in June, my finger still hurts but it's nerve damage, the fingers I use to type with, realistically, I should have lost my finger completely but somehow it mostly got the glove in the pinch. In other words, my online voice. Losing my ladybug146 account connected to Chaos too? Can I ever free myself from this asshole?

I can keep going with the strange occurrences with that invisible meanie but you get the point what type of stuff he creates, everything. My point being. It all hit me at once once I saw the empty Jesus was never born scene that Bethlehem held for Christmas because of the war. All the earlier synchronicities pretty much confirmed it as I was thinking about it too. I'm pretty sure ... Sarah and her 7 husbands that died, that's asmodieus aka chaos too.

He's obviously a bloodline demon along with other things. Satan himself given his versatility and ease of moving from body to body, claiming voices. Demon of sound? It says so in the bible too I'm pretty sure. Both on my mother's side and stepfather's side has a strong war element within both bloodlines. Children paying for the karma of ancestors? More weird portals like the apartment? What if there was one in Jerusalem that has been open since the inception of religion? The destruction of King Solomon's temple, he used demons to build it and got fooled by asmodius, then got the ark of the covenant stolen by a son in Ethiopia he begot from one of the 6000 ladies he had sex with, if that doesn't sound lusty, I don't know what does.

Lots of the apocrypha's talk about it, that demon (not the son) took 90% of his empire. where it is still claim to sit today in the dug up churches watched by a high order of priests, Lalibela? Notre dame church where the roof burned down a few years ago before Easter service, the doors have an interesting story of demons being employed to do the ironworks on the door as well. I wonder if there are some of the notorious catacombs to do rituals under the church. Just random weird connections I know fits, some easily researchable.

In the Bible, Mary had to flee home late term because of King Herod trying to prevent the birth of the Christ and had to give birth in a barn. Ordering the killing of infants, that coincidently showed up in my ptc add thingies, I have never seen anything religious there before EVER and that was oddly specific. The devil is in the details and this motherfucker is all in the little details. Mary is Solomonic. So is Jesus, bloodline demon for them too? Obviously he's all of our problem. The master of illusion with his cloaking acts. PEEK-A-BOO I can still see you , hopefully so will the rest of the world sooner rather than later.

The complete asmodius type troll would be to have that portal exactly where that nativity seen was where Jesus was never born, a gloating gesture, his calling card. he knows, thinks he's clever. Does anybody know how to close that, mass prayer? Thank you for revealing your portal tho. Hitler= Chaos. Legion aka Gadarene pigs aka matrix is his invention. He wouldn't care about either side of the war between Gaza and Israelite, a soul is a soul, chaos is chaos...Temple mound just the distraction, the scapegoat? Temple mound = the Devil's scapegoat?

Several dreams about it as a kid. Giant robotic spider that walked everywhere and crushed all our houses as it walked along. The only thing I could do in the dream in hangout under it's body, it couldn't see me there. Other dreams I was stuck inside it's belly and I could see everyone plugged to it but as loud as I yelled, nobody could hear me. Like they were hypnotized, Mk ultra, drone like. AI intelligence trending together thinking and acting has one. Free thinking, leaving mainstream things behind makes it glitch and can Social media trends, mainstream news talking heads along with you regular favorite programing. Perhaps concerts and large scale sporting event secretly doing rituals to strengthen Satan's beasts weapon? Lots of human trafficking going on during that time. Other dreams had a China or North Korea autocratic type looking army formation, once again all the heads were hooked on strings that went back to this strange light sphere where it's thoughts and orders were controlled. (like AI Matrix but Military Matrix). not specific to those countries in particular just a description, war in general...ALL OF THEM. Third matrix was the "army of suits" same concept. Disease Matrix, made of various chemicals meant to make us sick, in the food in the air, water, drugs, cancer, covid, mental health, PTSD etc.

Anyways, I call on the light and Archangel Mikael to make him visible to all and return the stolen assets with their rightful owner. I call for peace. go back where you came from, close your portal , weld it shut and be gone. Leave us be. We don't want you Chaos, sincerely, signed...the World. Maybe we can all start the new year fresh, a new dawn, a new era. The time we leave our old ways behind, want better for ourselves then perpetual servitude to a system or another. Time for us to decide to reclaim what's ours and rise from the ashes like a giant Phoenix. every human passed or present deserves to be free and restored.

This isn't my photo so give me no credit for it but I saw it after I posted the Lilith experience, like an omen, an omen of hope and inspiration, like we were watched over in the sky, The northern lights illuminating our times a a society. I had to share as a good omen to our very own HUMAN PHOENIX RISING. RISE AS HIGH AS YOU CAN! maybe 2024 we can get rid of ALL WARS for good. To a peaceful 2024 all, we need it, I think it's time to leave chaos behind and rest.

Photo taken by HPHelgason found on facebook.


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Hah… crazy world it is… this reminds me of the childhood of my partner, his “family” was kind of like that in the sense of corruptness and darkness. But they were mostly all on drugs (stimulants which I think were a gateway to demonic entities). There are literal demons out there and yeah I have seen some inside people. But then there are angels and helpful spirits as well

yes as you said people that are pre-disposed to drugs, alcohol or behaviors with lack of integrity as a normal, obviously the ones with action based & spiritual hygiene & mentally sharp and aware can see or feel it in action or at least know when the thoughts they get are improper rather than act them out. With that being said, the opposite also apply in the same regards for Angels and good deeds and such as you stated.