in Freewriters3 years ago


Dreams are a natural phenomenon that virtually all humans experience daily. They are basically made from stories or images that the mind creates when we sleep.

There is a common conception that dreams are mere figments of our imaginations. However, there are many reasons and theories put forward by individuals and researchers as to why we dream. I have had dreams during the day and night, therefore it is safe to say dreams can happen at any time as long as one is asleep. I have woken up from dreams feeling sad, happy, motivated, angry and sometimes even disappointed. This could also say that dreams could affect our countenance.

According to Medical News Today; humans dream an average of four times during night sleep, dreams last about 5-20 minutes and about 95% of our dreams are forgotten, and what goes through our mind just before we sleep may affect the content of our dreams.

Some Religions or groups of people believe that dreams are revelations of things to come while others see it as the minds creative way of combining a lot of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Personally, I believe both equally.

Lucid dreams are said to be dreams where the dreamer is aware that he/she is dreaming and probably has some control over their dream. According to Medical News Today, lucid dreams are randomly experienced by some individuals while others have reported to be able to increase their ability to control their dreams.


The dream I had last night was my motivation for this post. I want to believe that it was a lucid dream. In this dream, my friends and I were hanging out at a certain bar, about five of us. For some reason, one of my friends got into a heated argument with a strange lady. He had physically bumped into her and she was not having any apology. Little did we know that she was a trained assassin. She vowed that she was going to kill every one of us. We did not take her seriously until we came out of the bar. There she was standing in her leather jacket with strapped guns and knives. It was as if I was in a movie. My friends and I didn’t waste any time in running for our lives. She gave chase and fired shots at us. We got to a dead end and then she put away her gun and brought out a special sword and was heading in the direction my friend who had bumped into her earlier. Suddenly, it was as if I assumed the lead protagonist role in the dream. I quickly rushed towards her, picked up a nearby stick and displayed some really impressive martial art skill to disarm her and pin her down. I felt so much in control and delivered to her one of those cliché speeches. I said " if you want to keep breathing on this earth, you’d not come anywhere close to my friends and I from this minute. Now beat it! " She fled the scene as fast as she could. I woke up feeling happy and fulfilled.
Tell me if you’ve a lucid dream recently.


Whoa!!! You dreams are so imaginative.

I too have had many lucid dreams in which I had so much control plus I don't completely believe the religious tenet that says dreams are some sort of exposé to our lives or the things to come. I usually think of it as my mind being super imaginative and on overdrive, but that's just my opinion.

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@wil.metcalfe I think you would enjoy reading this too.

Nice dream write up you have here. The area that dream is what goes on in our minds I believe but the religion own I don't. Nice to meet you here