Love language

in Freewriters2 years ago

There was a young couple named Emily and Jack who fell in love in college. They met in a literature class and bonded over their shared passion for books and writing. They quickly became inseparable and spent all of their free time together, exploring their campus and each other.


As their relationship progressed, Emily and Jack realized that they had different ways of expressing their love. Emily was a touchy-feely person who loved physical affection, while Jack was more reserved and preferred to show his love through acts of service.

At first, Emily found it frustrating that Jack didn't seem to want to cuddle or hold hands as much as she did. She would try to initiate physical contact, only to be met with a polite smile and a gentle shrug. Jack, on the other hand, felt like he was constantly doing things for Emily to show her how much he cared. He would cook her dinner, pick up her favorite snacks at the store, and surprise her with thoughtful gifts.

One day, Emily and Jack stumbled upon the concept of love languages. They discovered that everyone has a different way of giving and receiving love, and that understanding these love languages can help couples communicate more effectively and strengthen their relationships.

Emily and Jack took a quiz to determine their own love languages. Emily's top love language was physical touch, while Jack's was acts of service. They realized that they had been speaking different love languages all along, and that this had caused some misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Armed with this new knowledge, Emily and Jack set out to learn more about each other's love languages. Emily explained to Jack how important physical touch was to her, and he made an effort to hold her hand more often and cuddle with her while watching movies. Emily, in turn, made a conscious effort to appreciate the things that Jack did for her and to thank him more often for his acts of service.

Over time, Emily and Jack's relationship grew stronger and more fulfilling. They learned to speak each other's love languages fluently, and this brought them closer together than ever before. They discovered that while their love languages were different, they were complementary, and that by combining them, they could create a deep and meaningful connection.

Years went by, and Emily and Jack graduated from college and got married. They continued to practice their love languages and to communicate openly and honestly with each other. They faced challenges and setbacks, but they always came back to the foundation of their relationship: a deep understanding and respect.


I love the happy ending...their understanding for their differences is on another level...

The fact that they want to make it up to each other in understanding themselves inorder to keep staying in love makes me want to have someone that's understanding too♥️

Understanding is one thing about love , thanks for stopping by.