The Elite

in Freewriters2 years ago

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Soro and Debi were just turning round the bend that leads to their school gate when they saw a convoy of three shiny black hilux vehicles and one more filled with armed policemen leaving the school compound. The convoy with it blaring siren drove past them on high speed raising dust from the untarred road.
"Criminals! Debi muttered under his breath while trying to cover his nose. "All they do is steal money to buy flashy cars them come to pour us dust from the roads they failed to fix". He fired on.
" Don't mind the thieves! Soro chipped in.
They went into the school compound and met a crowd of students gathered at the entrance to the staff room, all chatting excitedly.
Just as they were hurrying up to join them, their friend Bide ran towards them from among the crowd of students.
"Did you see the convoy that just left the school?" Bide asked as soon as he was close enough to be heard.
"Yes". Soro and Debi answered together.
"It was the Governor, he came to donate something to the school, sort of a campaign for another tenure in office". Bide said.
"I knew it. You only see them during campaigns, just before election and after they win, they fly up to Olympus and become inassessible". Soro fired.
" So, what did god Zeus bring to the school this time?" Debi asked sarcastically.
"The usual. A pile of books!". Bide answered.