The CAT | A ZapFic100 Story Based on 5 Minute Freewrite (Day 1991) | Prompt: big machine (gran máquina) [Eng/Esp]


Drabble: A 100 word story written using the word prompt "big machine".

...In the English language we have what are known as "homonyms". These are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. For example, the word "match", "bat", or "ring". Another word that is an acronym for a type of heaving equipment used in construction is called a CAT. It actually means a category of equipment.

However, to a child, this word is spelled like the fluffy feline they are familiar with. I want to share a micro story known as a ZAPFIC100. This type story was created by It contains exactly 100 words. I tailored my freewrite prompt to this type flash fiction.

Day 1991: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: big machine.For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized @mariannewest's Freewrite prompt:

Below is my story:


At three feet, Samantha was a bright and inquisitive child. A good vocabulary for her grade level, she understood a few meanings of words she could spell.

Making good on his promise, her dad made a quick check-in on his building team before treating her to ice cream.

From the window of his foreman's trailer, Amanda screamed as a nearby CAT towered over her, then dug Its claws into the ground.

"No ice cream! Let's go home!"

"It's just a big machine. It won't hurt you."

Shaking, Samantha stammered, pointing, "there, the word cat! That's not how my kitty looks."



Drabble: Una historia de 100 palabras escrita usando la palabra "gran máquina".

En inglés tenemos lo que se conoce como "homonyms". Son palabras que se escriben igual pero tienen significados diferentes. Por ejemplo, la palabra "match", "bat" o "ring". Otra palabra que es un acrónimo de un tipo de equipo de excavación utilizado en la construcción se llama CAT. En realidad significa una categoría de equipo.

Sin embargo, para un niño, esta palabra se deletrea como el felino esponjoso con el que están familiarizados. Quiero compartir un microrrelato conocido como ZAPFIC100. Este tipo de cuento fue creado por Contiene exactamente 100 palabras. He adaptado mi sugerencia de escritura libre a este tipo de ficción flash.

Day 1991: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: big machine.Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la sugerencia de @mariannewest:

A continuación mi historia.


El gato

Con un metro de estatura, Samantha era una niña brillante y curiosa. Con un buen vocabulario para su grado, entendía algunos significados de palabras que podía deletrear.

Cumpliendo su promesa, su padre hizo una rápida visita a su equipo de construcción antes de invitarla a un helado.

Desde la ventana del remolque de su capataz, Amanda gritó cuando un gato cercano se elevó sobre ella y clavó sus garras en el suelo.

"¡Nada de helado! Vámonos a casa".

"Es sólo una máquina grande. No te hará daño".

Temblorosa, Samantha tartamudeó señalando: "¡Ahí, la palabra gato! Mi gatito no es así".



The screenshot at evidences my use of exactly 100 words to create my ZapFic100.

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 17-42-17 WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing-ZAPFIC100-basedon5minfreeewrite-day1991-bigmachine.png


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 149 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

BEERHey @justclickindiva, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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