¿Do we lose many things for fear of losing? - JULIO BRITO


Many times the fear of the unknown does not allow us to move forward, it leaves us paralyzed thinking about our consequences if we fail in the attempt. I'm not going to deny it, well yeah ... I'm scared like everyone else, but that doesn't mean I'm a coward. My dream was always to inspire others. But I had never felt completely perfect to motivate people ... Until one day my Father told me:

Son, you don't have to be perfect to be able to motivate others, because you have to let people be inspired by letting them see how you fight with your imperfections"

Those words completely changed my way of thinking and it was when I understood that being wrong is okay, since experience is what allows us to recognize a mistake when we are about to make it again. Changes are for the brave, because cowards prefer to stay in the same place, even if they are not happy ...

We all have moments of heartache, we all have moments of depression, we all make mistakes, and sometimes we regret things in our mistakes. But ... making mistakes is normal, mistakes lead us to greatness, living experiences leads us to greatness! And if you fell, get up, rectify and learn from the experience. Many times we are afraid to risk doing new things for fear of stumbling. Do not be afraid of failure, be afraid of the great opportunity that you are missing, when you do not even want to try. After all, falls only turn into failures when you stop getting up. In the end, life's decisions are always individual. Just make sure you make each decision based on your purpose, and not on the circumstances of the moment ... Let's never change what we want most in life, for the things we want in the moment, because moments pass; But life goes on ... Many times we ask God to change our circumstances, but what we don't know is that God uses circumstances to change us. Being happy depends on you, only on you. Life is the stage of your performance and you are the main actor. Analyze the character you play. Start by creating the script of your life, and with patience and perseverance carry out what you have planned ...

Today you live off yesterday's reserves, but your tomorrow depends on what you do today. Always be positive in your mind and in your heart. But whatever happens, NEVER forget that you will not be able to achieve something, if you do not walk hand in hand with God ...

Thank you very much <3

By: @juliobritoficial