Bruno me dio una lección - A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 21 Oct 2022 (Esp/Eng)

in Freewriters2 years ago


Bruno me dio una lección

Bruno ya no es mi cachorrito, ya se convirtió en adulto y me muestra sus respuestas al amor y al entrenamiento que recibió desde cachorrito, pues pasé horas enseñándole diferentes conductas que él asimilaba como juegos compartidos conmigo.
Ahora es Bruno quien me busca para jugar. Para que fuese a buscar un palito que yo le lanzaba, me costó horas y horas, en días sucesivos. Al principio, me miraba, miraba el palito (que yo había lanzado bien cerca) y en lugar de correr a buscarlo, giraba sobre sí mismo en el piso.

Opté por una enseñanza más explícita, lanzar el palito, tomarlo a él en mis manos, llevarlo hasta el palito, colocarlo entre sus dientes y regresarme, cargándolo hasta el lugar del lanzamiento. Entonces, el problema estaba en lograr que lo soltara. Pero la estrategia funcionó y, con el tiempo, Bruno aprendió a correr en línea recta hacia y regresar feliz con su presa.

Pero él encontraba muy divertid saltar con el palo entre los dientes, retándome a que yo lo recuperase directamente de su boca. Muchas veces caí esta parte de su juego, porque era gracioso verlo como iba caminando hacia a atrás mientras meneaba la cabeza hacia los lados, con la presa fuertemente sujeta entre los dientes.

Otras veces, soltaba la presa dando saltitos y esperando que yo la volviese a lanzar, hasta que se cansaba y permanecía con ella en su boca hasta que yo se la "arrebataba" o lo acariciaba hasta que él solito decidía soltarla.

En nuestra última salida al parque, Bruno me mostró otra faceta del juego. Estaba cansado y me dejé caer en el suelo del parque. Agarré el primer palito que vi y lo lancé al aire, sin mirar a donde caía. Escuché un ladrido de Bruno, confirmando que lo había encontrado, pero no lo busqué con la mirada. En verdad, estaba muy cansado y me recosté sobre la hierba húmeda con los ojos entrecerrados.

Creo que me dormí unos minutos, los gruñidos de Bruno despertaron mi consciencia. No lo vi. Lo busqué, estaba en el estanque con el palito entre sus dientes. Supe que estaba molesto y retándome, con un "Me hiciste mojar, mójate tú también".

Caminé hasta él, que soltó la presa fácilmente. Pero, entendí el mensaje y desde ese día, miro hacia donde lanzo la presa y si no tengo ganas de jugar digo: ¡Ahora no, Bruno! y él, como adulto inteligente se echa a mi lado.

 "image.png" Imagen del concurso/Image of the contest


Bruno taught me a lesson

Bruno is no longer my puppy, he has become an adult and shows me his responses to the love and training he received since he was a puppy, since I spent hours teaching him different behaviors that he assimilated as shared games with me.

Now it's Bruno who's looking for me to play. For him to go get a stick that I threw at him, it took me hours and hours, on successive days. At first, he looked at me, he looked at the stick (which I had thrown very close) and instead of running to look for it, he turned on himself on the ground.

I opted for a more explicit teaching, throw the stick, take him in my hands, take him to the stick, place it between his teeth and return, carrying him to the place of the throw. So the problem was getting him to let go. But the strategy worked, and over time, Bruno learned to run straight to and happily return to his prey.

But he found it very amusing to jump around with the stick between his teeth, daring me to retrieve it straight from his mouth. Many times I dropped this part of the game from him, because it was funny to see how he was walking backwards while he bobbed his head sideways, with the prey held tightly between his teeth.

Other times, he would release the prey by jumping and waiting for me to release it again, until he got tired and remained with it in his mouth until I "snatched" it or stroked him until that he alone decided to release her.

On our last trip to the park, Bruno showed me another side of the game. He was tired and I dropped to the ground in the park. I grabbed the first stick I saw and threw it into the air, not looking where it landed. I heard a bark from Bruno, confirming that he had found it, but I didn't look for it. In truth, he was very tired and I lay down on the wet grass with my eyes half closed.

I think I fell asleep for a few minutes, Bruno's growls woke me up. I did not see it. I looked for him, he was in the pond with the stick between his teeth. I knew he was upset and scolding me, with a "You made me wet, you wet too".

I walked up to him, who easily released his hold. But, I understood the message and since that day, I look where I throw the prey and if I don't feel like playing I say: Not now, Bruno! and he, as an intelligent adult, lies down next to me.

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○Los separadores de texto son míos. Utilicé el Traductor de Google. Invito a @sacra97 y a @mllg a sumarse a este ejercicio

○Text separators are mine. ○I used Google Translate ○I invite @sacra97 and @mllg to join this exercise

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Gracias por la mención, @josegilberto
Me gustó mucho tu relato. Está muy simpático.

it takes patience when handling pets.

Thanks for coming!! @mercyagins

You made me laugh out loud as you described how Bruno was carried to and with the stick to teach him what is expected.

Thanks for joining pic1000. 👍

Thanks a lot, dear @freewritehouse

Bruno is a smart dog, and he sounds like a lot of fun too :) ...

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